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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I’m no beauty prize, I assure you. But Jason La Canfora looks like a dollop of whipped cream.
  2. Glad to see Jack Flaherty jumping into the community right away. Pretty cool.
  3. Ever since I was a kid I’ve paid extra close attention to what pitchers do after a no-hitter. I’ve always been curious about how they follow up what is most likely the best performance of their career. I’ve never written any of it down, it’s just something I’ve always looked for in box scores. I’d say 75% of the time (again, just a feeling) that they don’t do very well. I’d love to do a deeper dive on it to see if my gut is correct but I don’t have the time. But I’m glad to see Framber is proving me correct tonight.
  4. That could have been fielded if Frazier was in the right spot and didn’t have two feet of range in either direction.
  5. I hope there’s not a naked cardboard cutout of him in the locker room with pieces being removed after each win.
  6. I was told that they’d be distracted by the Kevin Brown saga
  7. There’s always an outlier. Framber doesn’t look tip top tonight.
  8. I was blanking in that square for a few minutes and then it hit me. Was trying to go for someone obscure but no one was coming to mind. And then all of a sudden I realized the most obvious choice.
  9. Man, if they lose tonight... OMG TEH KEVIN BROWN SCANDAL IS SUCH A DISTRACTION!!!!!1111
  10. I don't see it happening, unless injuries. Wouldn't mind at all if it happened.
  11. The audacity...the AUDACITY...to think that they could keep Brown off the air for 2 weeks or so and no one notice, no one question it...and have Brown's twitter silent, like "Hey, I'm on vacation...in the middle of the most exciting Orioles season in years...." NOTHING STAYS A SECRET ANYMORE. God, these people are stupid.
  12. I've long held a theory that the game after a no-hitter is usually a clunker for a starting pitcher. Not always, but it is a high percentage of the time. I've not dedicated a second of time to researching this, btw. Looking forward to seeing if we can light up Valdez tonight.
  13. What are they gonna do when they want to elect him to the Orioles Hall of Fame after he retires, though?
  14. It's been brutal but there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Snyder felt pressure but, IIRC, what started it all was allegations of sexual harassment, cheerleaders being taped without their permission if you get my drift and a dvd of the footage being passed around by Snyder and his cronies. Bullying, intimidation. Then underreporting ticket sales in order to pay less into an NFL fund. Withholding ticket deposits from fans...I mean, there's more and quite frankly it's so hard to recall it all. Peter Angelos, John Angelos and Dan Snyder are monumental assholes. Dan Snyder, habitually, crossed lines that were legal. I don't know if Peter and John would do that or have done that. And that's why the NFL owners were putting the pressure on Snyder, they knew he was bad for business from a legal and PR perspective....a league that's historically been awful towards women couldn't stomach an owner who was awful to women. Plus with the notion that he'd withheld earnings from the rest of the league...yeah. They wanted him gone. John Angelos bullying Kevin Brown? Like I said, tiddlywinks. Other MLB owners can't begin to pressure him to sell the Orioles because of that. Now...if sexual harassment allegations came to light or tapes of him using offensive/racist language...yeah, he's gone.
  15. That's so dumb. And insulting to the audience. I mean, really. How can we play the Padres in a few weeks and not mention Manny and his time here? And to be clear, they TRADED him. It's not like they went out of their way to keep him and he shunned their really great offers and left via free agency and said a lot of petty **** about the Orioles after he left. Even if he did, how ****ing petty are you, JA?
  16. Yes, correct. Looking forward to the Astros game tonight. I agree with you 100%. For the longest time, I thought Dan Snyder was going to be the Skins owner for most of the rest of my life. And I was just determined to outlast him. Just flat out, outlast him. To your point about being an Orioles fan before this current ownership and being a fan after them...I felt the same way about the Skins. I feel the same way about the Orioles. It took a monumental effort to get Snyder out of DC but it happened. Of course a lot of it was due to legal pressure, but it still happened. I don't know what it'll take for the Angelos family to sell the team. I believe they understand they're not liked...and if they didn't know before yesterday, they certainly know now. But just like Snyder, I suspect that not being liked isn't enough for the Angelos family to let go of the team. I don't know if there's anything legal in JA's closet that could make him to be forced to sell the team if it came to light, but I hope so. I think, right now, that's the only way. Until then, I'm just here to outlast him.
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