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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. He allegedly tried with sheep testicle extract. Seems to be something that people in the 1920s would think was a good idea. Also that whole thing about having to not play against African Americans, too.
  2. Integrity? I don't like Aaron Judge making us his ***** for 6+ years. Let him hit it against someone else. He's had a great, historic season, it's been plenty fine for MLB. I like the MLB just fine, but they still can't overcome their issues when Judge is hitting 60+ homers and you have a guy in Anaheim doing stuff no one's ever seen before and they're having a hard time getting people out to the park to see it. MLB is declining in popularity whether or not Judge hits 1, 2 or 13 homers this weekend.
  3. That's fine, I guess. I dunno, I don't feel the need to re-hash the steroid arguments and who the "real" record holders are, or should be. Find it odd that he'd want that to come at our expense though. You and I can disagree on Judge hitting a record breaking homer against us, I'm good with that as I recognize my stance as being petty, I also just don't care about being petty when it comes to the Yankees. Petty is also their fans crying a f'ing river last week at the prospect of Michael Kay not calling the record breaking homer because they had a Friday night game on Apple TV and We DeSeRvE tO hAvE a GoOd AnNoUnCeR CalL tHiS! That said, at least you qualified your statement with you're okay with him doing it against us as long as it's in a loss. Which, being realistic, is what I'd hope for, too.
  4. I've been here a long time, seen a lot of crazy comments but I've never not once seen anyone root for an opponent to hit 13 homers against us in a weekend to take some kind of record.
  5. True, but it's all the writers that make that vote, not just NY voters. NY writers vote's don't carry more weight than anyone else's. Agree, I like him, overall. I'll notice. You'll notice. Everyone here will notice. Poking them in the eye, repeatedly. Very hard, sharp, quick thrusts. But also, who do you want a record set against? You or someone else? True. TLDR I'm not sure when you joined but I know you've been here awhile. I'm pretty sure we're all well aware of Judge's history against us. If you need to be reminded, it's a .314/.430/.712 slash line with 35 homers. That's more homers against any team and by a decent amount. He's got 28 against the Jays and then the next highest amount is 21 against the Sox. I've seen how our guys do pitching to him for years now and the results are hardly ever pretty. He's got 9 homers against us this year, which is more than any other team. I'm pretty sure I know how this story ends.
  6. If you’d asked me a few weeks ago, I probably would have told you that I didn’t care if Aaron Judge hit homer 60, 61 or 62 against us. I’m not sure what’s changed, but in the words of the great Mox from Varsity Blues, “I say, ‘**** that.’” I do not want to see our guys pitching to him this weekend. I do not want to see Judge (who, for the record, I don’t have much of a problem with) celebrating at our expense. I don’t want to see his teammates celebrating at our expense. I sure as hell don’t want to see their fans celebrating at our expense. Nothing would please me more this weekend than seeing Yankee fans crying about how we walked Judge 12-15 times over three games and how they bought tickets to see him hit #62 and blah blah blah. Nothing would please me more than, after years of seeing Judge destroy our pitching, giving him absolutely nothing to hit and having him stand on first base all weekend while the boos rain down. I want us to be the bad guys. I want us to be the killjoys. I do not want Hyde to give in. And even if he does have our guys pitch to Judge, I want our guys to be smart and throw everything in the dirt. Or airmail it over the home plate umpire. I doubt it happens. I’m sure some poor sap like Baumann or Baker or Krehbiel or Reed will go down in history as the sucker who grooved a belt high fastball to Judge for #62. He’ll be on replays forever. And after the game he’ll give some stock answer about “wanting to challenge him” or something which is silly because our pitching hasn’t ever been a challenge for Judge. So, Hyde and/or Elias, if you’re reading, just walk Judge all weekend long. Make the Yankees and their fans miserable. Be the bad guys. Don’t let anyone have fun at our expense. It’s a new era for Orioles baseball, we’re no longer a laughingstock. No longer a team to set records against. No longer a team to beat up on. Do not give in. Milligan, out.
  7. They made Dick Mountain look like Sandy Koufax tonight.
  8. In which Adley is given the day off but also has to pinch hit and catch 3 or 4 innings for Chirinos....
  9. This is a cool stat. And I'm assuming that the amount of times a spot in the lineup hit for the cycle is pretty low.
  10. We're in agreement, but I'm not sure how to do that. Yeah, it's a game full of streaks, hot and cold but RMC's are some of the most brutal I've seen when it comes to being cold. Not just how bad he looks at the plate but the length of them. 6-8 weeks of being terrible, it's bad.
  11. I think that .325 OBP is a solid range for him. His hit charts for this year show that he's really used all fields well but I'd still like to see him go to the opposite field even more. He's still in the 9th percentile for chase rate. I think we all like to dream on him when he's hitting well and hope that there's a next level of untapped potential that can turn him into a superstar but, IMO, we're going to have to live with his highs and lows. Good news is that he's in the 89th percentile for exit velocity and in the 85th percentile for hard hit%. 91st percentile for xBA and 97th for xSLG. People seem to think he's been a bit unlucky this year, I would tend to agree. Here's hoping he can keep these rates next year and maybe we'll really have something.
  12. Wasn't trying to chase anyone away or teach anyone a lesson, really. But okay, if you think that way I'm not going to try to change your mind. But I'm glad we can agree that couching an argument in terms of a small sample size is silly.
  13. I'm not sure and I think 4 innings might have been a bit aggressive for him. But say he goes 3? Hyde still doesn't use as many arm barn guys as he did last night. Good news, I guess, is that I think the Sox bullpen is already depleted, too. If we can knock Dick Mountain out of the game early tonight, that sets us up well for tomorrow's finale.
  14. Yup, sure did! Kind of about when is it okay to start blaming the hitting coaches? Yeah, because we've played that game on here, too.
  15. And we should get back some top level prospects when Player C's value is at the lowest! The OH greatest hits, this is fun.
  16. I don't care if they're a new poster or not. If you're going to start a thread, you're opening yourself up to ask your idea or your thoughts to be critiqued. Everyone here has created a thread or made a post that they've been ribbed about, even @Sports Guy. It wasn't a personal attack. Does this thread get started if he doesn't hit two homers again last night? If you say yes, you're telling on yourself.
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