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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Swish it around and spit it out, pfffft. You're not a snob. Puff that chest out and stand tall.
  2. Harold Baines always struck me as a smart dude. I know he was a coach for the ChiSox for a little bit, not sure in what capacity but I wonder if he'd be a good hitting instructor.
  3. Is it me or does Caleb Joseph's bat look extremely thin? It almost looks like an extended wiffle ball bat. I think he should try a thicker bat to increase his chances of making contact.
  4. It's a shame, it looked like there was a lot of promise there.
  5. Not sure what Justin Turner's all excited about, Manny could be taking his job next year.
  6. Fairly happy with the return. Once the reports were 5-1 last night I had a feeling it would be something like this. Quantity over quality. It was obvious that no teams involved were going to deal their top prospects. Hiura, Sheffield, Verdugo all reported never offered or flat out shut down when the O's asked. For everyone whining and moaning about the inflated reliever market from a few years ago...well, lightning doesn't strike twice. Happy about Diaz. Brings skills that we need. The rest sound like they could develop into contributors, especially Kremer and Bannon. Pop sounds like an interesting piece, too. Hopefully the Orioles don't botch developing these guys. But, as one of the previous tweets goes...what'd you expect for a rental? Should have traded him last year. I will miss watching Manny. I'll be tuning into Dodgers games for sure.
  7. That word is "Orioles" I think I might start using Orioles as an adjective. Like if I had a bad day, someone asks "Hey, how's it going?" I'll just be like "Orioles, man."
  8. I wonder how Palmer would have fared with an average defense.
  9. I read yesterday that Palmer only had 13 double digit strikeout games in his entire career. I just counted, Nolan Ryan had 17 double digit strikeout games in 1972 alone.
  10. Happy they got Grenier so quickly after the CWS. Now get him playing this summer and figure out if he can hit with a wood bat.
  11. One of the crappiest things about this season is that...if I turn on the game after it's started and the Orioles are up, I can't figure out what part of the batting order they're in. Like if Mancini is hitting, he could be batting leadoff, or 7th. Schoop could be 2nd, he could also be 6th. If it's Trumbo, I feel like he''s probably 4th. Our lineup is just a murky mess at all times with no discernible shape or rhyme or reason to it.
  12. More like drinking OJ after brushing your teeth.
  13. I think it's one of those nagging injuries that'll last for the rest of the year.
  14. Random, but whatever. I hate how he picks up his front leg in his motion. Anyway, not surprising that he's having a terrible season like the rest of them.
  15. Whatever. Next thing you know we'll have a starting pitcher step on a nail before he has to make a start in Toronto.
  16. Keep OPACY, right? I am not sure where I would stand on this. On the one side, it'd be awesome to get rid of him. On the other hand, I know I can outlast him. The wild card here is his sons.
  17. On MLB draft day, I wonder what guys like Billy Rowell are up to. What happened to that guy? Flamed out, of course. But is he washing dishes at a diner in Topeka or is he got his life together? Judging by how he went out, I don't think he's got his life together but I'd like to see. Same with Chris Smith, etc.
  18. I'm not sure who my favorite end of the line Oriole is. You know, guys that had big careers elsewhere but came to Baltimore to die. I always thought it was weird we had Joe Carter. I remember when we got Dwight Evans, I was 9 headed into the 1991 season. I had this program: I thought Dwight Evans was going to be awesome. Didn't really understand the concept of a guy being old and at the end of his career. I might go with Eric Davis, but he was TOO good here to really count, IMO. Eric Davis was awesome. My least favorite end of line Oriole is Doug Drabek, hands down. Couldn't stand him.
  19. I think this is my favorite Orioles baseball card.
  20. Theo beat two of baseball's biggest curses and droughts in his career. He kind of walks on water. But I feel like he wouldn't even want to tangle with Angelos. Angelos would be the Kryptonite to Theo's Superman.
  21. I'm starting this thread because...random thoughts can be fun. And I feel that we're posting a lot of the same stuff all day, every day. Buck sucks, DD sucks, we're afraid of Brady and his power, Davis and his contract are terrible, the defense is bad, the pitching is bad, we need to trade Manny, Manny is better at 3rd, the Orioles are dumb for not scouting in South America, we need to rebuild, we need to call up prospects...I mean, that's like every post for the past 2 months. So this thread is designed for you guys to just say what comes to mind that might not be worth starting a thread for. But since it's in the Orioles Talk section, it's gotta be Orioles related. So if your daily thoughts about the Orioles include wondering what Nate Snell is up to or how Anthony Telford blew you off for an autograph in '91, post it here. Screw you, Telford. Anyway, my random thought for this evening came in the form of Jack Cust. Yes, Jack Cust who was going to be someone who we were supposed to build around. He had Ruthian power, he was going to be amazing, he was going to hit flyballs off the Warehouse with the flick of his wrist and ease our pain. Jack. Cust. I thought about Jack Cust today because I work with a buddy of mine that has a passing interest in baseball and who likes to give me a good natured ribbing about how bad the Orioles are. I get riled up, drop a lot of f-bombs, rant about how bad they are, he laughs, it's a good time. He was asking me about what happened last night and I was telling him and then he goes, "Oh! I was watching this video on YouTube today about the 10 worst sports efforts ever! And there was an Oriole on it!" No, it wasn't Cust. It was actually Adam Jones. But it wasn't Adam Jones' effort that was in question. It was when Jones hit a ball deep against the Nats and Nyjer Morgan went back and tried to make a leaping catch at the wall. The ball hit off his glove, fell down in play and Morgan slammed his glove on the ground and was pitching a hissy fit when the Nats left fielder came over to get the ball and throw it in. Meanwhile, Adam Jones hustled around the bases for an inside the park home run. I'd actually forgotten all about it. It's the first play in this video: But why Jack Cust? Because when my friend said there was an Oriole in that video compilation, I immediately thought of this. It's something in the bowels of my memory that I try to forget and beat it back down when it comes to the surface. And like a bad fart, if I smell it...well, you have to smell it, too. It also occurred to me that there is now a generation of younger Orioles fans who do not know who Jack Cust was. I am not sure if any post on here, but this was 15 years ago. Anyway, Jack Cust should have been included in the video above. Anyway, your random Orioles thoughts. Let's have some fun.
  22. That's good information to know. Felt that this could have been unduly harsh. So they must have found evidence that he was using a PED and this as a masking agent.
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