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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Great letter, still in the honeymoon stages though. He certainly says all the right things so far.
  2. Frankly, if he can get rid of Davis this offseason, he'll have an eternal blank check from me. That's not really true, but it'll buy a ton of good will.
  3. No, there will be no shortage of silly threads. Looks that way, doesn't it.
  4. Significant progress in talent acquisition in the minors both via draft and international markets. I don't expect this to be a winning team after two years but I will expect to see things starting to come together. @Ohfan67 summed it up nicely. He will have had three offseasons (this one, '19-20, '20-21) and two drafts and two international signing periods ('19, '20) to show that he can get a turnaround started. I wouldn't be calling for his head after two years but I'd start to wonder wtf is going on if things aren't demonstrably better. And since you said we're a dumpster fire (which I agree with), being demonstrably better shouldn't be too big of a task.
  5. I know. I like him too. I figured his dWAR wouldn't be great, he's gotten older, lost speed and range.
  6. Ken Rosenthal is a national treasure. Ain't that right @TonySoprano?
  7. I thought they were going to give it to Price for a second. Don't wanna see that ugly face anymore until April.
  8. God, I hate John Henry. Such a smug looking New Englander. And Pedroia, too. The true Evil Empire wins the Series. Well, at least Pearce gets a ring and played a huge part in doing so. If Price gets MVP over Pearce I will kick an old lady in the shins.
  9. The Dodgers are going to have to get two awesome starts from Kershaw, at least. And his postseason record isn't spotless.
  10. How much more valuable of a ballplayer are YOU than Chris Davis? Sheesh.
  11. Well, Steve Pearce is in the World Series. I don't see anyone coming out of the NL being able to beat Boston. My only hope is that the NLCS goes 6-7 games and the winner rolls right into the Series primed and ready to go while Boston gets a little stale with the days off. As I said before, the silver lining for me is Pearce getting a ring if Boston wins. Dude is a really, really solid ballplayer and I loved him while he was here. Having a team full of Steve Pearces would be great.
  12. Yeah, Manny is a bit of a douche. I agree, a little disingenuous. But, I still like him. Still want to see him win. Dunno, it's kinda like...I feel like we've never had a player that other teams and other fans love to hate. We've mostly had a bunch of choir boys who aren't controversial. Jones, as much as I love him, is a hell of a guy and lovable. Nick was straight up boring, but we all loved his quiet professionalism. Brian Roberts, choir boy. Wieters, quiet professional. I'm struggling to think of anyone that we had over the past few years that got on the other teams nerves. But I don't care what anyone says, it's fun to be the villain sometimes. Red Sox, perfect example...how much did we LOOOOOOATHE Ortiz? Pedroia? I can't stand either of those guys. But we all know that if we were Red Sox fans, we'd LOVE them. And we'd also love that other fans HATE them. I loved knowing that other teams and fans hated Manny. Even though Manny is gone, I still view him as one of ours. Probably will for awhile. And I love that he's the villain.
  13. I guess if the Sox roll to a WS win, the silver lining is that Steve Pearce gets a ring. Always liked that guy.
  14. Let's see if Miley Cyrus can continue his good fortune next year. If so, I'll believe in a turnaround. Even Cashner has had a couple good seasons with a 3.00+ ERA.
  15. Hader. Turner. Manny. Ah, what could have been.
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