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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Where else would you hit the ball? If you try to hit it where it's not pitched, you'll swing and miss.
  2. Certainly rooting for Nick to get to 2,000. 2,500 would be fantastic for him. Still never understood where his power went. I hope that doesn't hold him back. I hope the fans in Atlanta love him as much as we do, too.
  3. Well you're just hard as hell to impress, aren't you?
  4. They don't have to have a guy like Kershaw, especially with the offense they cultivating. If you've got three guys that have a 3 ERA and a bullpen with guys like Betances and Chapman, you should be ok. If Tanaka can get it figured out they'll be in good shape.
  5. It's certainly not a bad one. Tanaka is the only one really holding them back. Where would we be with three starters that had ERA's under 4?
  6. Hate to say it, but I like Judge. Fully aware that he's going to be killing us for the next 10 years but there's no one more fun to watch right now. Trout might be a more complete player and the WAR God, Harper is right there in the conversation but Judge is a different beast. On top of that, seems like a good guy. Gotta give credit when it's due.
  7. Heh. Made this post a year ago tomorrow. I must be a psychic.
  8. Looks like people caught on. Not sure, but it's a cause for concern. Someone drafted that high out of a college shouldn't have these issues.
  9. This guy sucks. I'm not saying he can't get better. I'm not saying I give up on him as a prospect. But right now, he sucks.
  10. I hate the Sox and Jays more. I've resigned to the fact that the Yankees are almost always going to be good. What's more, this iteration of the Yankees is hard to REALLY hate. They've got a lot of good young players, they've built themselves the right way. I'm jealous and I don't mind admitting it. I wish we had guys like Judge, Sanchez, Bird. They've got more on the way, too.
  11. Well then. Who's driving him to the dealer, his mom?
  12. Well, I agree with the sentiment (and pulling on the heartstrings, you bastard) of the last paragraph. But IMO, you still gotta hit the ball. I'm not sure if there's much of a difference between the designer drugs and the mass building stuff. From what I know the goal of the PEDs is to recover from workouts faster to build more muscle quicker than you naturally could. Designer drug or mass building, IMO, it's splitting hairs. These guys aren't taking them for any other reasons, right? Again, I'm not sure when Marte started using. Has it been reported?
  13. Well I know you're cool. You're always cool. But I'd like for you to share the evidence that Marte wasn't much of a player before he started the juicing. I do believe Barry, Roger, A-Rod were all quite capable before they started juicing. In Barry and Roger's case, they were able to do extraordinary things into their late 30s and early 40s. A-Rod probably enhanced what was already looking to be a HoF bound career.
  14. Are you sure about that? Is there any definite measure as to how much it added to his production?
  15. Are you more upset about the fact that you thought Marte was a good dude and now he's a known cheater? Or are you more upset that your 2nd favorite team is without a really good player for 80 games?
  16. Nothing. Nothing would have also stopped them from becoming some of the most beloved athletes in this countries history, either....PEDS or not. I also find it interesting that there's an incredible double standard between the NFL and the MLB when it comes to this stuff. We want our NFL players bigger, stronger, faster...capable of incredible speed and incredible power. I've been on the sidelines for those games and I've been in the locker rooms and I can't believe those guys are 100% all real. Sure, they're incredible athletes to begin with but I don't think anyone gets that big and that fast naturally. A football player gets popped for 4 games because of PEDs and no one bats an eye. That's SUPPOSED to happen. And when it does happen, no one really cares because....RAWRRRR FOOTBALL GLADIATOR GRIDIRON WARRIORSRAWWWWRR But baseball? Threaten a vaunted record if you're a muscular guy and it's the biggest crime ever. They'll keep you out of the Hall of Fame because the very people that are rooting for their 6'5 260 8% body fat linebackers that can run a 4.6 on Sunday are the ones who are crying foul when a baseball player uses a chemical they can't pronounce to make themselves stronger. It's a double standard, IMO. We care when one athlete does it, we turn a blind eye when another one does it, too. The issue isn't PEDs, it's making ourselves feel better by damning players who are tarnishing something that we thought was pure when we were growing up.
  17. I don't care anymore. I often wonder if guys like Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays would have injected themselves with stuff to aid their efforts. My thoughts often flip-flop.
  18. Tyler Wilson gave up a two run triple in the 6th inning tonight. I'm aware that this is the ex-Oriole thread. I just can't wait until he's one.
  19. Wonder whatever happened to that guy. And Billy Rowell.
  20. Someone explain to me why I should get get excited about an O's pitching prospect?
  21. Anyway, I vote no on electronic strike zones. I like the human element. You can tell me why I'm wrong, I don't care.
  22. Yikes. How do you react when something doesn't go your way in real life?
  23. I think we should take 2/3 from Minny. Hoping the weather holds up, this week is supposed to be bad.
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