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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. They absolutely deserve to celebrate making the playoffs. Come on life is too short. It affects their efforts to win a Division, AL Championship, and World Series Championship ZERO %. This team has been special and they deserve to enjoy the moment.
  2. https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/politics-power/state-government/orioles-angelos-lease-comments-6UGVFOHZ2ZBXXOAYXDHXEOWCXU/?schk=YES&rchk=YES&utm_source=The+Baltimore+Banner&utm_campaign=f2fde7419b-NL_ALRT_20230917_2200&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-f2fde7419b-[LIST_EMAIL_ID]&mc_cid=f2fde7419b&mc_eid=c989887d3a For what is worth he indicates the Orioles were going to sign a 30 year lease extension. I hope it is true but I would wish he would be quiet until it is actually a done deal. As we all know he has a habit of saying things that yet to come true. Maybe we will hear something soon.
  3. No, they require you prove they have their shots and ask you not to bring a dog that doesn’t interact well with other dogs. I saw a 150 pound St Benard there yesterday and many smaller dogs. My Golden Retrievers are around 70 pounds. You need an adult per dog.
  4. Yes they keep it to 3 or 4 sections around the foul pole. I went in 2019, my picture in my profile is my older dog in her seat then.
  5. Since I chimed in with a negative comment here about when they had a sellout I have to give the Orioles and their employees big time props for the Bark and the Park day yesterday. They really did a nice job with the activities and how they treated everyone. Dogs including mine in the aisles and every usher just side stepping them and making sure everyone was having a good time. We all got to take them to the out field and take pictures. it was just a great event. Everyone is in a good mood with dogs in the house. Despite the outcome of the game. Thanks to everyone involved.
  6. Am I correct if the Orioles just win 1 game against Tampa this weekend that will reduce the magic number by 3 because we win the tie breaker for the division?
  7. Yes they have been stupid all away to a 91-52 record. I say let them keep making the decisions on who should be on the team. If they weren’t so stupid to sign Frazier and keep Mateo on the team do you think they would have a better record?
  8. Hey 7-2 road trip mostly on the west coast. Just come home and win 2 out of 3 from St Louis and split with Tampa Bay and we will be just fine.
  9. The Game thread section should be sponsored by the Suicide Hotline.
  10. It is fun watching the players to try to stare in Melanie’s eyes every interview!!
  11. Fuji is growing on me fast. What a great play.
  12. We will see but I see them moving in 2028.
  13. I will tell you the Red Sox are pathetic defensively.
  14. No problem, I am a little sensitive in his regard. One of my sports heroes. No one played a sport harder than he did.
  15. He also played for the Baltimore Banners of World Team Tennis and went out of his way to sign an autograph for this then young man. Playing team tennis screwed him from a Grand Slam in his prime because the French Open banned him because he played for the league.
  16. Jimmy Connors was a Champion!! You may not have liked him but he helped make professional Tennis a major sport.
  17. I was at that Penn State show when he opened with Lion’s Den. Saw they CFG show. That was number 58 for me. The man still does 3 hour balls to the wall energetic shows. He will be back next year to do this one.
  18. Soon to be 74 but he will be back next year. It will be rescheduled.
  19. Well that ruined my weekend. Get well soon Bruce!! See you next year at Camden.
  20. He was just announced to play at the CFG Arena downtown.
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