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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. I think winning the division again would be a successful season regardless how the playoffs turned out. I do think it is a crapshoot. That said I think a second start in the playoffs by Grayson Rodriguez will fair better than this year’s did. I think the moment won’t be quite as big. If the Orioles take one of the first two games I believe this narrative would be much different. I also think our offense will be better next year. Mullins just seemed not 100%. Replace Jackson Holliday for any infielder not named Gunnar and I think you are better. Gunnar is going to be even better. He is on the “Cal Ripken track”. Rookie of the Year then MVP. The closer didn’t really matter this playoff series but I will feel better with whoever was a closer the majority of the season will be next year available for the playoffs.
  2. I don’t object to the point that you can question whether Baker should have been used. It is the way it was said and calling everyone a moron for not agreeing with him. It is not entertaining to me. I Like Ken and Tim but he does sometimes bring them down to his level. He just seems like a nasty SOB to me. He masks opinion’s as facts.
  3. It did snow that night. I bought a car and while driving home we had some wet snow. It certainly wasn’t a blizzard.
  4. https://www.outkick.com/cbs-jason-la-canfora-jonathan-jones/ LOL
  5. I ditto what Frobby said here. Thanks to Frobby and the posters here. Well most of them! These three games were disappointing but it was a great season.
  6. Another intelligent post by Webbrick.
  7. In my mature years I try not to get too upset about takes on talk shows or posts on a message board but La Canfora just was a pure horses rear end today on the radio. Saying Hyde should be fired for putting Bryan Baker in. It was much more than just that statement but his whole ranting with his know it all attitude about everything. His opinion is fact and if someone disagrees you are a moron. I am going back to listening to music in the afternoon.
  8. My license tag is BALT 0022. I outbid everyone for his number when the Oriole plates came out so you know how I feel about Jim Palmer. My second baseball game I attended was August 13,1969, Jim’s no hitter.
  9. From Roch today. The Orioles sent out a press release this morning with a statement and more information regarding the new stadium lease announced last night. “We had three goals in 2019 when we organized the Orioles management team,” said chairman and managing partner John Angelos. “We set out to remake the club to be a consistently competitive winner on the field, and to create a strong business and fiscal foundation to be able to do so at the highest level to sustain that competitiveness – and to completely reinvent and extend the Orioles’ partnership with the City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland for the next three decades to ensure that the O’s would be in Baltimore up to and through our 100th anniversary. We have been very fortunate that we have achieved all of these goals.” The release stated that the partnership with the state includes a 99-year ground lease for select areas around the ballpark north of Lee Street, including the B&O Warehouse and Camden Station, “giving way to more private investment opportunities and spurring economic development.” Also included in the deal is the “changing of hands for operations and maintenance responsibilities from the MSA to the Orioles organization.” “I could not be more thrilled to spend decades watching the Orioles win titles in Baltimore,” Gov. Wes Moore said in a statement. “This deal is not only a good use of state resources but will also drive economic growth in downtown and across the city. Today, we take a big step toward a more vibrant and thriving Baltimore – with good-paying jobs, a diversified economy, and opportunity for all. This deal is good for the city and the state, and I’m grateful for the partnership that got us to this day. The Baltimore renaissance is here." The governor’s office sent out its own release today clarifying that it’s a “memorandum of understanding” rather than an actual lease, which will be finalized after more details are worked out. But it will “keep the Orioles in Baltimore for at least 30 years,” along with modernizing facility operations and boosting private sector development to revitalize downtown Baltimore City “and create more opportunity for all.”
  10. Well if they end up signing a 1 or 2 year lease extension instead of what is agreed upon in this memorandum, none of this teeth grinding is going to end. People who want to believe he wants to move the team are going to still believe it.
  11. There isn’t going to be any kind of profit sharing. The state has no leverage to demand that. The building is useless unless there is a major league team playing in it. The benefit to the state of that is the positive effect it has on the area as far as jobs, sales tax revenue, etc. So them paying no rent but having to pay for expenses isn’t that shocking. The Ravens will get the same deal. You can argue whether it is worth it to have major league sports or not but it isn’t like they have a choice of tenants to pick from.
  12. The article in the Sun says no lease was signed but a non-binding memorandum. I am not sure what that means. https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/bs-sp-orioles-lease-briefing-20230929-hfycgt755nc35e6fzketaqd34i-story.html
  13. What a difference can a few days make.
  14. Brooks hung on at the end because he needed the paycheck. He was swindled in some business transactions I am sure because of his good nature. At the end of his career her was making the most money he ever had.
  15. He was in his 30’s. He may have been overweight but he was a young man.
  16. Since the Tampa game starts before the Oriole game I am going tonight. 15 rows behind the dugout. I am not going to miss this. I will head out Thursday if necessary but I am hoping to wrap it up tonight. Also to go by the two Brooks statues today just feels right.
  17. I believe the answer to this is yes but I am just checking if they clinch the division sometime midweek could they option Grayson and lets say pitch someone in the minors the final weekend? I am guessing the 10 day in the minors requirement would not apply.
  18. If we get the lucky number to two or less tomorrow I am going to find two seats behind the dugout for Wednesday. I am not getting any younger and going to enjoy this one.
  19. The Yankees have too many resources at their disposal to have those terrible seasons. They have lost 90 or more games three times since 1913. Never 100 games in that time frame. They won 99 last year and to Yankee fans this year feels like our 100 loss seasons. They haven’t won a World Series since 2009 which is how their fans measure success. Baseball unlike Football isn’t a level playing field.
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