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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. He takes the secondary lead before the ball is struck; it wasn't a matter of him making a decision, good or bad, that was based on the strike of the ball. There's a reason Mateo would have been out by more- he was making the same decisions before the pitch. They were getting good secondary leads to both score the tying run in the 9th inning of a game, and to avoid a game ending double play. I mean the scenario cries out to be ready to run on contact. It's not much different than the decision to send Mountcastle in the 8th. It's a decision that didn't work out, but I believe it is the right one. If the charge is simply they should have reacted to a ball hit 80 mph vs 100, think about the infinitesimal time change that delivers to when the ball the ball is caught. The problem was that Mullins hit it directly in the air to an IF, and not that he hit it at 80 mph vs. 100. Both would have resulted in the same result. But it is fair for people in good faith to disagree so if you see something in that play that I don't that is your right. But I respectfully disagree based on the above.
  2. He's not taking a secondary lead to avoid getting doulbed off at third base. He's doing it so he can score the tying run in the 9th inning of a game.
  3. Oh, I have the opposite take of the media? Well, now I know I'm right. They showed the replay during the telecast. He's not making it to third on Mateo's hit unless he goes on contact, which he wisely did not do. He did return to second on Mullin's liner, but was out anyway because he had take a robust secondary lead as he undoubtedly should have in that situation.
  4. There's nothing to gain by going? What?!?!?!?! He's the tying run. He's taking a secondary lead so he can score on a base hit, and tie the game. That whole thing. And yes, Mullins hit a line drive at somebody and he got doubled off. As you pointed out they could have thrown to first and doubled off Mateo too. It's bad luck. That's it.
  5. This team is aggressive on the basepaths. It's served them very well, particularly lately. Maybe not so much today. But they're not going to hover two feet off the bag on their secondary leads to avoid what closed out the game. Nor should they.
  6. Got to dispute all of this before it becomes accepted Gospel. He made the right play on the Mateo hit, and the Mullins line out was just bad luck.
  7. There are things unknowable. Claiming to know them is dangerous.
  8. Well it was also prorated to his playing time, so maybe only half the games. I don't see how that can be claimed. By God, if that's the case Pedro Severino must have been costing us a dozen games the last few years.
  9. I was referencing the article. It was one of the claims being made. And to be fair, it wasn't that he had cost us that much defensively, but that he was projected to over the course of the season.
  10. The contention that Chirinos has cost us 4 games defensively, almost solely based on his framing, is a laughable proposition.
  11. I mean I would have preferred Vavra starting too, but I didn't know Mountcastle was hurt until three seconds ago, so I figure they probably have their reasons. And in light of Mountcastle's injury, (and the trade of Mancini, which everybody was happy with two weeks ago), it's literally the only difference between their regular lineup so the angst doesn't make much sense. I mean they literally started their top 7 guys, and one guy was dinged up and one guy's been traded.
  12. All these histrionics because Vavra didn't start?
  13. You were pretty optimistic.
  14. Well, we weren't non-competitive. We lost 4-1 and they had to bring in their closer. The only bat that was really out of the lineup was Mountcastle, and he's been horrendous lately. We lost. A guy pitched very, very well against us today. These things happen. That doesn't mean there's some underlying issue.
  15. They were winning 52 games a year. They weren't any better the other six days a week. People had these same complaints about Buck and his "B" day lineups. The fact is, they rest players. And Sunday, due to the day games and travel, is a very popular day to do that. It's quite common all around the league.
  16. What have they been doing the other six days a week since they got here until about 3 months ago?
  17. The Rays pitcher has a perfect game going on right now!! I can't believe he's pitching a perfect game!!! OMG!!!
  18. I think we have to wait for the Monkeypox pandemic to calm down before we get to the second part of his plan.
  19. This is a perfectly reasonable take. As I said in another post, if he can command the stuff he had tonight he's a very good starter. It's all about command. And yeah, he probably didn't have his best stuff.
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