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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. I saw a LH starter with a 95-97 FB with tremendous natural movement; a plus changup which induced multiple looking Ks, and two breaking balls of different shape that both flashed plus. If he is consistent and in command of the "stuff" he had today, he's about 90% of what the other guy was, which makes him one hell of a pitcher.
  2. This is a "big" game. The fact that we're playing them this year is such a pleasant shock for me. This is by far the most surprising season of my life, far beyond 2012, or 1989 as the other two memorable.
  3. Swinging strike rate in such a small sample size without the context of the actual game action is almost useless. The reason it was lower today for Hall was that he couldn't throw a strike. The Rays just took pitches and walked or got into good hitters' counts and teed up. The problem for Hall today wasn't that his stuff "didn't miss bats;" it's that he couldn't command.
  4. He had 6 Ks in 3+ innings. Watching a changeup go down the middle of the plate because you can't get the bat started is every bit of impressive as a swing and miss.
  5. My take for the record: He looked like he has a chance to be pretty close to who was pitching for the other team today, and that's not a bad thing to be. 95-97 fastball. It's easy to say he had no command, but it's more accurate to say it came and went. And it definitely wasn't there in the beginning. The fastball obviously becomes a real weapon if he can control it better. His best pitch today was his changeup. He controlled it the best; and he got the most Ks on it. A few of them, God forbid, looking. He controlled his breaking balls better than his fastballs too. Many looked sharp. He got hurt a couple times later on them. It's going to be all about command with this guy. I don't think that's any innovative insight.
  6. He "didn't miss bats." Checks notes...... 6 Ks in 3+ innings.
  7. He's far exceeded my expectations. If he can stay healthy and play like this for the next six years, that's a hell of a base to build a team upon.
  8. I do believe we were higher earlier in the year.
  9. We're 7th. We average 0.87 turned per game. Last year we averaged 0.62. Thank you Jorge Mateo and Rougned Odor.
  10. You do realize Odor got a ton of time playing 3b for a playoff-bound NYY team last year, right? What do you think he's going to do? Throw the ball into Lf?
  11. Bruh, you gotta lay of that 'caine.
  12. Wasn't it Earl who said: Get as many shortstops as you can and figure it out later.
  13. And yesterday as well. We're a class above the Rangers. Let's all remember that when everyone screams for free agents this winter.
  14. The payroll is going to increase organically, starting as soon as this upcoming year.
  15. Really? Hahah. If Rosenthal is defending the Orioles you know you must be in the wrong.
  16. What an absolutely awful biased take. And this guy is a "professional."
  17. We'll see who all they trade, but this gross exaggeration about Mancini's value to us. Trading Mancini isn't punting; it's more like running a draw on 3 and 4. He was gone at the end of the year anyway. Now if Santander and 2-3 Bp pieces go out the door, then yeah, they're punting.
  18. Congrats to Diaz. Hope he makes the most of it.
  19. I personally like the risk. Take the higher upside guy with the higher risk.
  20. It's actually a four team trade. We're getting Snell back.
  21. I'll guess we'll find out. I expect that Elias just went up in SG's estimation.
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