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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    It’s an observation based on a SSS and ignored scouting reports and what has always been said about his defense. I don’t disagree that it wasn’t good but there are so many factors to that, just like Gunnar’s defense was an issue when he was hitting like poop early in the season.  

    I also thought he got more comfortable as his time here went on.

    Either way, people were and are ridiculously over the top about the small sample size. Just absurd post after absurd post about him.

    He is the guy I would deal out of his best prospects but that’s simply because I like the 4 guys ahead of him better, not because I think he’s not any good or that his time here is some indication that we should be panicking about him.

    Scouting reports are all well and good, but scouts have been wrong before.  Even in the consensus.  Especially about defense in my experience.

    I don't know how you define panicking, but he is not a guy I want getting extended time in CF at this point, and that is based on his observable defense from last year, despite what scouting reports said or say.

  2. Just now, Frobby said:

    I agree Cowser is probably not as good as McKenna defensively.  He’s more likely Hays-level, which is still pretty solid.  But his bat should be significantly better than McKenna’s, better enough that the defensive differential wouldn’t really be a big consideration.  

    One would hope this is not a conversation we're having in 2 years.

    While he should definitely hit better than McKenna, I don't think he has the glove to be carried as a 4th outfielder type if he doesn't.

    McKenna is a plus OF, and I know I'm being biased by a small sample size, but Cowser just looked so bad in the OF last year it's hard to imagine he'll ever be that.

    He has the raw tools, speed and arm, but there's more to the OF than  that.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    People really blew his short time up here out of proportion. The overreacting to everything was a bit much.

    He looked bad defensively.  Real bad.  Far worse than should have been expected.  That's not overreacting.  That's just an observation.

    That said, in specific reference to his arm, he made a couple of nice throws and showed good arm strength.  He did not show good accuracy or positioning on his throws, but he clearly has a plus arm.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I think Cowser still has a very high ceiling (1st division regular, maybe occasional all-star IMO), but his floor is a bit lower than previously thought.   Tony says if he can’t hit top velocity he couid be a lefthanded McKenna.  That would be an incredibly disappointing outcome.  

    I’d really like to see Cowser on the OD roster and getting 400+ PA in 2024.

    I'd be shocked if he was ever as good as McKenna defensively.  If he can't hit, his glove won't carry him like McKenna's does.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    It’s also possible that PA has something in writing that while he is alive, the club has to be sold for X amount…or maybe they are saying they need more because of the taxes.

    It's possible one of the sons used their gaining their "father's approval" as a negotiating tactic.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 53 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    What makes me question this is the line about Angelos.  I don't think he's making those decisions.


    My first thought.  If reports are to be believed, Angelos isn't deciding what he's eating for lunch at this point.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I’d say Gunnar had a better rookie year than Cal did.  He’ll be hard pressed to match Cal’s sophomore season.  

    The scroll said he had the highest WAR for an Oriole rookie since coming to Baltimore in 1954, which surprised me.  He also had the 4th highest WAR for a rookie SS in MLB history, I"m assuming.  That's pretty rarified air.

  8. 57 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    I would be happy if we signed any of these guys but at the end of the day, I don’t find them to be that much different and I don’t find any of them to be real difference makers in the playoffs.

    So, give me the shorter commitment and not losing the pick is a bonus.

    Then prepare to be disappointed.  The Orioles will not acquire a better pitcher than these three this offseason.

  9. 3 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    Things could get crazy pushing Gray to 4 years and ERod to 5.

    I would expect that tbh.  

    I advocated signing E-Rod two years ago.  He has been the only FA I've really advocated for since the rebuild began.

    I'd love to see him in Baltimore at 4/80, but when the numbers inevitably creep higher than that, I fully expect them to walk away.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    Not today no. But they were first in MLB in BP ERA. Rodon, if he can stay healthy (huge if but he has been at times recently) and Cole could easily be one of, if not the best 1-2 starters in the league.

    Does Judge play a full season?

    And you know they will spend and add major players. Let me put this another way…if the Orioles do not make big changes, I think they are as much of a borderline playoff team as the Yankees will be.

    I don’t think this is fair to say it right now though, which if that’s what you are saying/asking, I agree with you there.

    So we're better but if we don't make "big changes" we'll be in the same boat?

    That doesn't really add up. That seems like one of them facts drawn from a foregone conclusion.

    How's Rizzo trending? LeMahieu?  Stanton?

    We're way better than them, and they're trending in the opposite direction, and all the money on Earth can't cover that up.

    • Upvote 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    I do acknowledge it..but I would still upgrade other areas where those young players don’t exist and/or where we use the young players to get better elsewhere and need to replace them.

    What I don’t think is that it’s realistic to think everyone is going to develop and be good and not bring in real improvements.

    A solid reliever and an upgrade over Gibson isn’t enough…unless your idea of an upgrade is a lot more than I think you are and have hinted at.

    Well then what is enough?  Luis Roberts? 

    And isn't enough for what?  Making the playoffs?

    This team's 40 man roster as stands should be favorited to make the playoffs.  I stand by that statement.

  12. 1 minute ago, Sports Guy said:

    This discussion is about you saying they could bring back the same exact team and they should be viewed as a 95 win team. While it’s possible, it’s not probable. You are ignoring so many important factors. 

    If you want to move the goal posts and take the discussion in a different direction, that’s fine…but this team needs some real improvements and it’s naive to think otherwise.

    Its still going to be largely the same team/players from the org but they need some real outside help too.

    If they could upgrade from Gibson, and add a solid relief option, that's a solid off-season.

    And I guess by "exact same team," I meant exact same organization.  The team is literally going to improve just by graduating prospects.  You were screaming that all during the season.  Yet now don't really acknowledge that.

  13. 30 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    I think you are being incredibly naive. 

    That said, I’m not saying the Os won’t be the best team, I’m saying other teams will be better. That’s just another reason why returning the exact same team isn’t some guarantee to win 95ish games.

    There are no guarantees period.  Not to pick on anybody, but there have been plenty of calls for "big deals" that would have made the team worse off.

    They are going to make moves.  There are no static off-seasons.  But they won't make moves nearly as drastic or bold as you propose, imo.

    And yet they will be well positioned to make the playoffs, if not win the East outright, next year on April 1st, barring some disastrous luck.

    34 minutes ago, 24fps said:

    The natural order is big dogs eat first.

    I should be more accurate: We have the wind at our back for a few more seasons.  In the long run the system is not in our favor, for sure.


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