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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Yeah, but Justin Verlander actually likes to have sex with Kate Upton. Therein lies the difference.
  2. I'm not even talking about the baseball merits of this. I'm just saying Justin Verlander isn't waiving his trade clause to come to Baltimore.
  3. Oh, she goes where she wants. And she don't want to come to Baltimore. Give it up, boys. This ain't happening.
  4. Baltimore has some great suburbs- of course, they only exist because of the flow of trillions of dollars into Washington D.C. from the rest of the country each year- but I digress. The city itself is dead. It's one of the worst urban areas in a country full of self-imploding, decaying urban areas. Baltimore is synonymous with crime, violence, and corruption across the nation. The Verlanders are rich. They'll live in a world few of us can comprehend no matter what city they're living in. They still ain't coming to Baltimore.
  5. How would you feel about your marriage to Kate Upton if she spent a few months apart from you each year?
  6. Baltimore makes Houston look like Athens. I'm not just talking about the weather.
  7. You boys wouldn't have made it back in the day. It's A LOT easier going through these deadlines as a potential buyer than a seller.
  8. You know who he's married to, right? You see her happily spending her summers in Baltimore? LOL. He ain't coming here.
  9. List out those mental lapses. I mean, there's been a bunch, right?
  10. It's not just the tracking but you can see it when he positions himself to field a fly ball and make a throw. He doesn't get behind the ball, and drive through it, and gain momentum for his throw. I've seen it multiple times where he catches it flat-footed off to the side. So yeah, you may have better raw arm velocity, but you're not putting yourself in a position to make a strong throw.
  11. I'm not shocked to see his arm has more velocity than Santander's. The most surprising thing from that chart imo is how closely Cedrick tracks to Santander. That said, there's a lot more that goes into an outfield arm than mere velocity. Cowser has consistently put himself in bad position to throw the ball, either through bad tracking, or frankly, just bad fundamentals. Now, this is something that can be corrected, and should get better as he gains experience. There's nothing to my eye that suggests he won't eventually be able to play a solid corner outfield. Personally, I've seen enough to decide I don't think he's a long term answer at CF however. But we're not talking about the future. We're talking about the here and the now. And in the here and now, Santander and Hays are both better corner outfielders than he is defensively, and obviously we've got about 4 guys who are better in CF than him.
  12. I've seen no evidence his arm is better, and while you tout his "hundreds of reps" others are using his lack of experience as an excuse for his bad defensive play. Which is it?
  13. We'll see, but there's literally nothing to suggest as of right now that Cowser is better in right than Santander.
  14. How about your eyes? Cowser has looked awful in the field since he's been up. Santander, despite the naysayers, has been perfectly adequate and to my eye, above average in right.
  15. Santander's better in RF and Hays is better in LF than Cowser.
  16. I'm just joshing you. When he was up he made a diving play at 3b that included a very quick transfer and throw. I doubt very much he has the range of Mateo or the arm of Henderson. I doubt he'll be able to exceed Mateo's defensive peak. But that doesn't mean he won't be a very good defensive SS; in fact, that is the consensus opinion.
  17. He has absolutely lowered his starting point with his hands, both from the windup and from the stretch. When I first saw him pitching that way this spring, I was surprised they let him go through the system like that. Perhaps he didn't. It was just terrible from a fundamentals standpoint. For one, it made tipping more probably by exposing more of the ball and your hand to view. Two, it wasn't natural or one would presume comfortable. I compare it to shooting free throws. You want to have the same routine before each shot, so the routine should be as simple and quick as possible. This was not that.
  18. Weren't you the one giving Moose grief from bringing up Ted Williams? LOL. I think I can safely assure you Joey Ortiz can't defend like Ozzie Smith.
  19. That way lies madness- for a fan. For a competitor that's actually a "healthy" attitude to have.
  20. No more dinner during games for you.
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