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Posts posted by ChosenOne21

  1. 3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I do.  Folks were pretty rough on him during the 2013 season and he had 50 saves that year.


    He could be frustrating at times, and I was certainly frustrated with him at times and didn't think he was as good as the 51 saves indicated. It was a long time ago. Maybe it was this bad, but I don't remember it being so.

    Obviously Johnson had a thirteen year career and a pretty nice prime while Cano is in his second season, but I think when all is said and done Cano is a better reliever than Johnson.

  2. 1 hour ago, tntoriole said:

    I have seen it lol .. Go back to Jim Johnson threads or Zach even or Jorge last year.  We are a fickle bunch  lol

    The point is that right now YC is pitching in a different role as closer than he did all year and that yes he was outstanding and amazing in early months, but he was in the noncloser role… and this is late September and he has not been nearly as effective in the closer role.  

    Jim Johnson had like three years in a thirteen year career that were close to as good as Yennier Cano has been this year. And I don't remember people being this hard on him in any of them.

    I don't ever remember anyone ever saying not to pitch Zach Britton in the ninth. I will eat TWO of my Orioles hats if you can find a thread about removing Britton as closer in a year where his ERA was under 2.50.

    Jorge, yeah, there were some doubters, but I don't remember it being quite as strong as it has been for Cano this year. It feels like everyone was worshipping the ground he walked on and then as soon as he gave up a run everyone decided he was mid at best.

  3. 1 hour ago, banks703 said:

    Look at inherited runners and their scoring % also. The numbers are a little better than how he’s pitched in September but they’re still heavily propped by his ridiculous first six weeks or so.

    Since Felix went down Cano has thrown 9 innings of 6.00 ERA ball and he’s been bailed out A LOT by some amazing defense.


    Boy I wish Felix didn't snap Cano's UCL along with his own. Surely you aren't suggesting Felix going down has anything to do with Cano's rough patch.

    A little better? He has an ERA of like 3.13 since May 19th, when he first gave up a run this year. He has a 8.10 in September. 



    In this span:

    K/9 is down to 2

    BB/9 up to 3

    HR/9 up to 1 

    You realize we're talking about eight games here, five of which he didn't give up any earned runs in. Boy, I would hate to work for some of you guys. Be amazing most of the time, have one bad stretch and get demoted.


    Again I’m not necessarily criticizing Cano. My rant is that for some reason they’re beholden to Cano in the ninth even when the matchups do not favor it. Without Felix every one of the other guys should be used to matchup, Cano included.

    What matchups? Righties are OPSing .566 off him. Lefties are at .688. Sure, he's worse against lefties, but .688 is pretty good. Like, maybe I'd consider Hall or Coulomb over him if three out of the four next batters were lefties, but it's not like lefties are his kryptonite. There are probably somewhere between one and three dozen relief pitchers in the world you could make a case are better than Yennier Cano this year. If Cano needs to be matchup-ed then so does just about every reliever in the sport.


    BTW he has six blown saves, which is .. uhhh A LOT for a guy who was the primary setup guy for 8/10 of the season. 

    BTW Felix Bautista has six blown saves, which is .. uhhh A LOT for a guy who was the primary closer for 8/10 of the season. 

  4. Yennier Cano has a 2.19 ERA on the season. That's better than the closers (team leader in saves) for all but four other teams (five if you count Felix Bautista). He has a 1.03 WHIP. That's better than the closers of all but five other teams (six if you count Bautista).

    But yeah, let's keep the scrub out of the ninth inning...

  5. 1 hour ago, Frobby said:

    I will analyze this at the end of the year when I have time in the offseason.  The one thing I’ll say now is, the way I think of things, the Means injury is not “bad luck” in 2023.   He got hurt in 2022 and we knew all offseason that he wouldn’t return until sometime in the second half.  You can anticipate and prepare for that.  

    Sure, but there was the back strain this year that delayed his return by a month or so.

  6. 18 hours ago, Aristotelian said:

    Seems like he should be in our Top 20 at least, if not higher. MLB has him #27. OH is sleeping on this guy. 

    The results are decent, but it's not like he's destroying AA and he's not exactly young for the level at 24, and I'm not sure the tools are good enough to play at the major league level. I think he's probably earned back of the top 30 considerations, especially with our graduates, but I think the odds are against him being more than an up and down guy.

    He has really good numbers in the flashy stats like HR and SB, which I think makes people overrate him. A .329 OBP in AA at 24 should really give people pause.

    I haven't seen him play, but the stat line and what other people say about him reminds of Eric Byrnes. I think Byrnes is probably Cook's 99th percentile outcome, but Byrnes was the kind of player who both drove you mad and was an absolute blast to watch. I think it would be pretty neat to have that in an Orioles uniform, so fingers crossed for that one percent outcome. :)

    • Upvote 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Orioles Jim said:

    Let me know what he says.

    If Elias believed that clubhouse chemistry or whatever wasn't important, he wouldn't say so out loud. I would take his words on the topic with a grain of salt.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Thank you for saying that. I think there's a lot of people here who need to hear that. Watching people in the game thread basically begging the baseball gods for more runs so they could relax when we were up by four in the seventh inning and have one of the best bullpens in baseball just makes me sad. This is probably the best Orioles team in two and a half decades and so many people don't seem to be enjoying it because they're STILL convinced it's all going to come crashing down.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I think this is where we differ a little. Not on our take of what Hall is, but our hopes for him. 

    In other words, I shudder to think of a game situation where Fuji is shaky and then Hall is the guy to come in after him in a tight situation. 

    IMO, there’s room in a bullpen for one Fuji/Hall type, a guy with tremendous stuff but iffy command. Having two of those guys in the pen is playing with matches and a gas tank. But perhaps I’m overthinking this. 

    I feel like Fuji is one of those guys who's stats make him look worse than he is because when he melts down it's spectacular but you can only blow one game no matter how many runs you give up on a bad day.

    Hall looked pretty good today, I dunno. I'm sure he'll be the kind of guy who will be nails for like four to five relief appearances than have a spectacular meltdown. But I think he has the ceiling to be better than that.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Alasdaire said:

    10 errors isn't a little either.

    All due respect, but I think if you brush the error that Gunnar made today under the rug as just another play in a 162 game season, you're too detached from the reality of in-game situations. That play directly led to the Orioles losing the game in a way that was preventable. I don't see it as just another data point, and I highly doubt the managers/players do either.

    So what should we do about Gunnar's error today? Start Mateo at SS in the playoffs?

  11. 5 hours ago, Frobby said:

    Nobody said it doesn’t hurt.   Nobody is pretending that.  It’s just not insurmountable.  Like I said, even a bad closer converts 75% of his save opportunities.  Kevin Gregg.  Mike Timlin.  Jorge Julio was 82-83%. There’s probably 11ish closer save opportunities remaining.  We might blow 2-3 more saves.  We might have some that are more stressful than they would have been with Felix.  We might have a game or two where we wish Cano had been available to cover the 8th inning instead of the 9th.  Like tonight’s game.  But the team can fight through it.  

    This is pretty accurate. There's some real "sky is falling" going on here. Realistically, if Bautista is out for the season we might lose an additional game or two during the regular season.

    The playoffs is where it might hurt more.

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