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Posts posted by ChosenOne21

  1. 11 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

    As much as I really like the season that Bradish has had, please forgive me if I am not exactly excited about that possibility and shudder to think about what that means for our future in terms of the org’s willingness to improve the team regardless of how close we are to having a legit shot at making a deep run.

    Before his last start, Bradish would have had the 8th lowest ERA for a starting pitcher in baseball if he qualified. And he's very close to qualifying.

    I'm totally fine with it. There literally aren't many possible improvements.

  2. 21 minutes ago, banks703 said:

    Go look for yourself since you seem to want to cycle through everything until you land on anything that can support your argument. 

    “But on the first Saturday after a full moon his OPS against O’s relievers who were born in odd years whose middle names begin with letters A through G is under .1000”



    I literally said in my reply that I doubted his OPS versus the Orioles the past TWO years was significantly different from his career value. I said this because I thought our better pitching the past two years would have an effect. I didn't just pivot to that because his OPS this year vs. the O's was higher.

    Turns out I was wrong. Congrats! You win!

    Would love to hear your thoughts as to what about the Orioles leads to Judge destroying them more than other teams, though.

  3. 1 hour ago, banks703 said:

    You would have lost this bet. Judge on the season vs. the O’s:




    His .OPS against the O’s this year is .1340. 

    You can cherry-pick down years if you want but he destroys the Orioles for his career. I don’t know how anyone can look at these numbers and try to argue it. Nice try though. 

    I haven't lost it yet. What was his OPS versus the Orioles last year?

  4. 51 minutes ago, banks703 said:

    This. This is what I have been saying. Don’t intentionally walk him but don’t throw him ANYTHING that he can barrel up on you. His numbers against the O’s are not a small sample size as someone else suggested. They’re the equivalent of 60ish % of a season. The dude OWNS the O’s. Don’t throw him anything he can do damage with. 

    I'll grant you he has more at bats versus the Orioles than I thought.

    His career OPS vs. the Orioles is 1.147

    His career OPS overall is .985

    The vast majority of his plate appearances versus the Orioles came in 2017-2021 where we had awful pitching.

    If you want to call that "killing the Orioles" I guess you could. I'll bet his OPS vs. the Orioles this season and last is closer to his overall line for those seasons than the difference I outlined above

  5. 11 minutes ago, Jagwar said:

    Just looked up Barry Bonds stats, his 2004 year was crazy. He had a 609 OBP, driven by 232 BB (120 intentional) in 617 plate appearances. And in the 373 AB where he did get pitched to, he hit .362 with 45 HR. 


    I remember reading an article years ago that basically said the only time an intentional walk lowered your expected runs allowed was walking 2004 Barry Bonds to get to the pitcher.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, ChuckS said:

    You forgot about Gibson. If we do add a starter I believe it would be Gibson’s spot in jeopardy rather than Kremer. 

    I would also be surprised if Means is placed in the rotation before the end of the season. I see him as a 2-3 inning guy for the playoffs, assuming he pitches this year. 

    No, I didn't. He's clearly the worst of the bunch, and being under contract only for this year I doubt there'd be an issue cutting him the way there might be with Kremer.

  7. 4 hours ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

    What would it take to trade for Seattle's Woo or Miller, their rookie starters w/ TOR upside.  I was thinking Kremer plus Urias plus a prospect around 15-20 in O's system.  More for next year than this year, although Miller and Woo's peripherals look very good.

    I was about to post that that's not even close, but according to Baseball Trade Values, FWIW, Kremer + Urias is pretty fair for either Woo or Miller. I seriously doubt Seattle makes that trade though, whether or not you put a 15-20 prospect in.

  8. 5 minutes ago, yark14 said:

    He didn't exactly say that.  There are other things that are considered as well.

    He said there's no evidence that innings limits reduce pitcher injuries, which I thought was the entire point of an innings limit.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Billy F-Face3 said:

    Since you guys are talking about this, I'm reminded of an interview that was done with Sig. On the subject of why pitchers are managed differently these days than 20+ years ago, they asked him, "Why are some pitchers like Nolan Ryan able to go out and throw so many innings start to finish and still throw 100 MPH without getting injured?"

    Sig basically said he didn't know and that it wasn't a science. 

    Ryan was a freak of nature. I don't think there's another pitcher who threw 100 MPH and as many innings per season as him ever.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Alasdaire said:

    Elias has been waiting on a Samuel Basallo for five years now. Proof to ownership that expensive international free agents is money well spent. Seemingly unlimited offensive ceiling as an an 18 year old who is OPSing .900. Shining example to future international free agents as to why they should sign here. Contingency plan at a pivotal position in case our current catcher signs elsewhere. High-character guy who coaches rave about.

    I think he would pass on throwing him into a multiple-prospect package to increase our chances of winning the world series from 3% to 3.7%.

    If we make the playoffs we already have better than 3% chance to win the World Series, and it would take quite a bit for us to miss the playoffs at this point. I'm sure Snell and Hader would increase our chances by more than 0.7% as well, but I get what you're trying to say and I agree.

  11. 38 minutes ago, RVAOsFan said:

    Snell / Hader is the package deal we need to be targeting right now in my mind.  If Elias was serious about his comments to improve the club to make a deep run in the playoffs then this is the move.  Hader becomes a lock down 8th inning guy pushing Cano up to the 7th.  Snell takes over a spot in the rotation pushing someone like Wells or Gibson to the pen, further improving it.

    I don't know what this package cost in terms of prospects but if we can get it done without giving up top tier guys then lets do it.

    Norby, Basallo, Stowers, Lottery ticket.  Conversation worthy? Too much? Too little?

    That would be a tough one, but I'd probably do it. Would hate to move Basallo though and would try to get them to take someone else.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    Thanks for the check. I'll make some of the changes. But that's only a 10K difference so how are you getting to 30,100?

    In thousands:

    180 (Horvath) - 361.8 (Baumeister) + 48 (Lord) + 41.8 (Josenberger) + 63.6 (Wells) + 21.7 (Cunningham) + 12.3 (Cravey) + 29.4 (Sharkey) + 97.8 (Bragg) + 137.1 (Fruit) - 300 (Forret) = 30.1 thousand over

    EDIT: Oops, checked the math again. We saved an extra $200 on Lord, so we should be $29,900 over.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    So if my numbers are correct, the Orioles went over their draft money by $87,452 but my math could be off. 

    Based on what's in the first post, I got that the Orioles went over by $30,100. I assume Forret was the only overslot after round 10? The numbers look good, except that Fruit should have saved us $137,100 instead of $127,700 (177,100 - 40,000 = 137,100)

    Not sure how you got the $52 since according to the first post the Orioles only paid people in increments of $100.

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