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Everything posted by ChosenOne21

  1. I don't know that Showalter makes the deal horrible, but as pitching starved as we are, I'd have liked to have kept the promising lottery ticket.
  2. Don't like this. Who knows what Showalter is, and Prieto + Rom should have been enough.
  3. I wish we got a better starter as well. Prieto's ceiling is slightly better Hanser Alberto, IMO. I can live without that.
  4. I think Flaherty is likely slightly better than our worst starting pitcher. What do you think? I think Drew Rom's MLB career is likely several seasons of replacement level-ish relief pitcher. What do you think?
  5. Baseball Trade Values has this as basically fair. Flaherty at 3.6, Prieto at 2.4, Rom at 2.2
  6. I hope he's okay...and that he needs to rest that knee for three days.
  7. Played for the A's and Cubs got me good today. Should have gone with everyone's favorite Oriole, Freddie Bynum
  8. Before his last start, Bradish would have had the 8th lowest ERA for a starting pitcher in baseball if he qualified. And he's very close to qualifying. I'm totally fine with it. There literally aren't many possible improvements.
  9. I literally said in my reply that I doubted his OPS versus the Orioles the past TWO years was significantly different from his career value. I said this because I thought our better pitching the past two years would have an effect. I didn't just pivot to that because his OPS this year vs. the O's was higher. Turns out I was wrong. Congrats! You win! Would love to hear your thoughts as to what about the Orioles leads to Judge destroying them more than other teams, though.
  10. I haven't lost it yet. What was his OPS versus the Orioles last year?
  11. I'll grant you he has more at bats versus the Orioles than I thought. His career OPS vs. the Orioles is 1.147 His career OPS overall is .985 The vast majority of his plate appearances versus the Orioles came in 2017-2021 where we had awful pitching. If you want to call that "killing the Orioles" I guess you could. I'll bet his OPS vs. the Orioles this season and last is closer to his overall line for those seasons than the difference I outlined above
  12. I remember reading an article years ago that basically said the only time an intentional walk lowered your expected runs allowed was walking 2004 Barry Bonds to get to the pitcher.
  13. Because his numbers versus the Orioles are a small sample size and he makes an out in 60% of his plate appearances?
  14. No, I didn't. He's clearly the worst of the bunch, and being under contract only for this year I doubt there'd be an issue cutting him the way there might be with Kremer.
  15. Personally, I think it would be a great problem to have to figure out who's the worst out of Bradish, Wells, Kremer, Grayson the way he pitched yesterday, Means if he returns to form, and a < 4.00 ERA starter we traded for. But it's almost certainly Kremer
  16. And that's the fault of the Orioles because?
  17. Exactly. If we can win games and make the playoffs while Cowser is getting his sea legs, why shouldn't we?
  18. I was about to post that that's not even close, but according to Baseball Trade Values, FWIW, Kremer + Urias is pretty fair for either Woo or Miller. I seriously doubt Seattle makes that trade though, whether or not you put a 15-20 prospect in.
  19. Why on god's green earth would we be embarrassed?
  20. He said there's no evidence that innings limits reduce pitcher injuries, which I thought was the entire point of an innings limit.
  21. I'm so happy Elias doesn't believe in innings limits.
  22. Ryan was a freak of nature. I don't think there's another pitcher who threw 100 MPH and as many innings per season as him ever.
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