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Everything posted by ChosenOne21

  1. Right, I got that. Just saying I would if we could and he pitches extremely well for the rest of the year.
  2. If he finishes the rest of the year looking like an ace and we could get draft pick compensation for doing so, I'd totally do it. At his age, he'd make way more than that on the open market. But we can't, so it doesn't matter.
  3. How many more times does Povich have to do that before he's knocking on the door in Baltimore?
  4. Fujinami is a free agent. We can't QO Flaherty because he was traded mid-season. Not really down to resign any of them except maybe Flaherty if he finishes the year strong. Wouldn't hate having Hicks as a 4th outfielder next year if he finishes strong, but with all the OF talent we have, I doubt that happens.
  5. Get injured, come back throwing much less hard, turn your cutter into a 70-80 slider on the scouting scale allowing you to stick around the league for a couple of years, then be on your way out of baseball shortly after your 30th birthday.
  6. Kind of surprised Bradish is still out there, but it's the bottom of the lineup, and a pretty weak bottom at that.
  7. He's having his hot month a little later than usual. And god, do we need that right now.
  8. I think Prieto is going to have issues in MLB. He doesn't walk a ton and since he doesn't have even double-digit home run power, he'll probably walk even less in MLB. He's not remotely a shortstop which limits his value as a utility infielder, and his glove isn't an asset anywhere in the infield. I think if everything breaks right, he could be a second-division starter at second base for a handful of years, or maybe a bench piece on a contender. Basically, he's Hanser Alberto. That's a decent career depending on how you define decent. But you're 100% right that he was never going to sniff the majors in Baltimore.
  9. I liked the Flaherty trade a lot more before it had Zack Showalter in it. Still think it's fine though. Fujinami trade is looking pretty great, but I give the overall package a B-. We have the best record in the AL and the second best record in baseball and it's hard to say those trades didn't make us better. But I was hoping for more.
  10. I don't know that Showalter makes the deal horrible, but as pitching starved as we are, I'd have liked to have kept the promising lottery ticket.
  11. Don't like this. Who knows what Showalter is, and Prieto + Rom should have been enough.
  12. I wish we got a better starter as well. Prieto's ceiling is slightly better Hanser Alberto, IMO. I can live without that.
  13. I think Flaherty is likely slightly better than our worst starting pitcher. What do you think? I think Drew Rom's MLB career is likely several seasons of replacement level-ish relief pitcher. What do you think?
  14. Baseball Trade Values has this as basically fair. Flaherty at 3.6, Prieto at 2.4, Rom at 2.2
  15. I hope he's okay...and that he needs to rest that knee for three days.
  16. Played for the A's and Cubs got me good today. Should have gone with everyone's favorite Oriole, Freddie Bynum
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