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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Didn’t know where to post this. We talk a lot about the Orioles “babying” pitchers and Grayson specifically so I figured this would be a good spot. I’ve spent the last few years studying on work loads, mechanics, and monitoring acute and chronic fatigue. This article sums up everything that goes into the decision making process nicely: https://apple.news/AXr8bLSCjTn-D0NpM3-Nsig
  2. Povich could have been on that list with a 3.71 era 1.23 whip & 14.3 k/9 The 4.4 bb/9 is high with his career bb/p of 3.2 I think some guys in the low to mid minors are going to appear this year.
  3. Todays the day. Gunnar is gonna go 4-4 with 2 hr. I'm feeling it (even though I said in the Westburg thread I'd like to see Jordan up for a week or 2 to get some reps at Gunnars expense ) Mostly just feel terrible for Westburg who has done nothing except what he's been ask to do.
  4. I'm not talking about 'short term success'. I'm talking about success at the highest level. The jump from AAA to MLB is the biggest in all of baseball. If you want to get optimal trade value, you'd better care about Westburg's brand. Gunnars isn't performing. He could use a spell at AAA. This year is about the Ws. Switching Gunnar with Westburg likely helps both players. Westburg gets the increased competition he needs to further develop & Gunnar gets a breather to get back in a groove. No knock on Gunnar at all, he will be fine. The kid just turned 21 and is in the Bigs. But a couple week vacation in AAA while Westburg gets his due opportunity could do a world of good for him, Jordan, and O's organization.
  5. It's on MLB.com as well as their FB page.
  6. Not panicking, but made a point to say that if things remain status quo next month he will be dropping.
  7. I’ve got a soft spot for the 2019 international guys as well. So cool to see the progress 3 years later.
  8. Injuries & poor performance. Elias is fond of the 40 man rules and retaining services. Of course they will make a trade in the future. That doesn’t mean Westburg shouldn’t get some reps at MLB. Success in MLB will build his brand.
  9. My man just jacked another mammoth bomb. After taking a BB in previous AB. Edit: they measured at 375 (think wind switched was blowing out early) First multi HR game. 3/3 on day with a BB
  10. Typo. Fixed. “40 man thing” Westburg isn’t on the 40 so likely won’t get a call any time soon Sending him down creates opportunity for someone else. If you were gonna trade a top flight player to the Os and had interest in Westburg, would you rather see him tear up AAA or have success in MLB. I think now after 400+PA of .~900 OPS he should get a shot soon. If they aren’t gonna jettison Frazier then who should slide over for him to get some ABs? I think he’s more than deserved it at this point. For no other reason to throw him a bone and put some $$ in his pocket for a couple weeks.
  11. The more I see Acevedo play, the more I like him. He is a man child at 6’4” and is intimidating in the box. He doesn’t get robbed with his swings and he is making contact often. The power is legit & to top it off he can fly. Hit his 2nd HR of the year today in just 66 ABs after just 8 in 631 last year. Just swiped his 4th bag of the year already as well.
  12. Then baseball. Iron sharpens irons and competition is a good thing. I’m more concerned about Ws in MLB and the long term success of the assets. Westburg is smoking right now & Gunnar is not. Switch them. Gunnar’s D has not be world class so far as well. I’m not down on Gunnar at all, just want to see the team use the talent and depth they’ve created. The 40 man thing puts a damper on that. FTR I don’t think it’s likely to happen. But in don’t think it would hurt to get Westburg some MLB reps and Gunnar some confidence.
  13. Nuñez has become the early Ace of the Delmarva staff. His line today doesn’t look too great but there were a lot of good take aways. The D behind him was pretty suspect. He fielded his position well in the 3rd on a soft hit GB to 2B that the 1B fielded and then through away (lead off batter). That spiraled into a BB, another error, and a 3R 0ER inning. He has absolute tree trunks for legs and throws easy heat. Opposing batters struggled to barrel the ball, there was a lot of soft contact and 5 ks 3 bb through 4ip. Didn’t see anything hit remotely hard. He’s not afraid to throw his slider in any count, threw it first pitch, as an out pitch, and when behind. Looks like he’s tinkering with a splitty as a change. I thought he looked a little slow to the plate, so I timed him and had him at 1.3-1.6. Looked like Carolina was trying to steal off him, they attempted 3 steals in first 3 inning. Willems threw out 2/3 - would have had a 3rd had SS not tried to get runner on 3rd trying to score on the attempt (runners 1st & 3rd). Not a lot of command as Tony noted. All in all a guy to watch. If he puts the command together looks like he has some weapons to work with.
  14. Trade ain’t happening until July. Would like to see Jordan get his shot and Gunnar get things going. Beauty of depth and positional redundancy.
  15. I wonder if Gunnar doesn’t pick it up in the next 2-3 weeks he gets the Grayson AAA tune up treatment and we get to see Westburg get his opportunity.
  16. For a guy who doesn’t get much press Haskins has quietly put together a fanatic Pro career. He just continues to steadily improve and keep moving up. He’s selling out for power a bit increasing his ISO but it hasn’t hampered his OBP skills. I don’t think he will be a star or an impact player, but if he keeps up the incremental improvement I can see him carving out a nice MLB career.
  17. He’s 27 y/o and is in his 11th professional season. He has other worldly athletic skills and by all accounts a good head on his shoulders. He just finished his first year of everyday ABs. He has grown into his man strength and is about 1.5 months away from his 1,000th MLB AB. For all those reasons I’m holding out hope that he is realizing his potential and can continue to produce at a high level.
  18. Gotta say it’s pretty impressive Stowers put up those #s in so few ABs (compared to you others he’s 10-15 ABs less than others on the list). After his time in Baltimore and his slow start in AAA he has been scorching.
  19. I see Nuñez made the bubble. He’s listed as SP tomorrow for Delmarva. Reading up on him sounds like he has a live arm and a killer slider (60 grade). Also sounds like an odd body type for a pitcher (short and stocky w/big lower half). In Fangraphs write up he was listed as the best arm (velocity wise) of the pitchers we got in the Lopez trade. Curious if @Tony-OH has seen him throw and any initial impressions. Gotta say all the sudden there are some intriguing arms in the lower minors. I plan to watch his outing tomorrow. 11am Game unless there’s a typo.
  20. Was looking through stats in the post and said to myself “it’s gotta be the big man” with 5 bombs and a 1.209. What a difference a year makes!
  21. Nice to see Ardoin on the list. Nice little 3 game hit streak that includes 3 doubles. Imagine they’d like to get him up to AA before they promote Willems.
  22. My thoughts exactly! Why can’t they figure that out so we can have baseball every night. 6 months is long enough!
  23. Off night. Unless I’m missing something.
  24. I really wanted him to make the team out of ST. All he does is perform and do what’s he’s asked. I don’t see a path for him with Frazier and Urias on the team.
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