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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. I’m thinking tonight was his last start in AAA.
  2. I love how fast he works. Must be so fun to play behind him.
  3. Wouldn’t be a bad idea. He looks like he’s gonna need the team therapist + a few innings of success under his belt to get back on track. He be not been competitive at all in last few outings.
  4. Maybe. I’ve always liked him on MLB network but calling a game is a whole other can of worms.
  5. Boston fans are by far the worst. Not even close. Yankees have 27 WS wins. They can be be cocky if they want, they earned it. Boston wishes they were the Yankees, are not the Yankees, and act as if they were the Yankees. It’s obnoxious, sad, embarrassing, and infuriating all at the same time. Add in the history of racism that runs through the organization and you get the worst fans in the history of all sports.
  6. This would almost make up for the Mothers day massacre. Like, just a tiny bit.
  7. Stupid ballpark. Get a taller wall! That’s a triple all day long.
  8. I’m in same boat. I’d seen criticisms on this board and thought it had to be an over exaggeration. Nope.
  9. Yea her butchering of Urías is brutal. It’s “ew” not “err” and you don’t roll “r’s” unless there are two R’s or the word begins with R.
  10. Lol - Mute has been on for a while now. Poor Cliff. Wonder how many texts his agent has received in the last couple hours.
  11. That ball was crushed. I knew I was watching this game for some reason.
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