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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Seems to me like it makes sense.
  2. I think the optics of the counting stats still carry weight, especially when selling your player to GMs against other players available. Any and all stats will be used by his agent to get him the best contract. GMs on the other hand will be using any and all stats to try and get the best contract for their team. If you had to choose between having 6 additional home runs or 6 very long well hit fly outs, would you simply choose the long fly outs and bank on the fact that the GMs don't care about counting stats? I think I'd rather have the HR tally and then let the cards fall were they may.
  3. I was going to post the same thing. Not sure what the figure is, but it's gotta be something like a $250,000 hit per lost HR to his contract next year. The man is playing for a contract and hammering the ball w/o much to show for it. Sure, other GMs have the stadium info but there is no doubt those lost homers are impacting his finances.
  4. A 2hr and 30minute baseball game is a thing of beauty. It's not just the extra 30 minutes, but the defense stays in the game more behind the pitcher as they know the ball is coming quickly. It's been said a million times that pitchers who work fast and throw strikes keep their D in the game, and that's becoming the norm with the new rule. And, I just love the idea that all 9 batters in the lineup can make an impact on the bases. It creates excitement in the game that would not be there otherwise. Imagine the stress an excitement in a tight playoff game with runners on base late in the game.
  5. I watched him with my son warm up in the pen before a game last year and remember posting that he just didn't seem to be focused and looked like he was going through the motions. His stuff was always electric, and his fastball has always had unbelievable movement and velocity. He would look brilliant for a few innings and then completely lose it. Later the story came out about his son Mikael and his medial issues. Sometimes people forget these guys are human beings. I'm ecstatic that he is finally having the success that he is capable of.
  6. Apologize if this is in the wrong place. Tried to search for a similar thread but didn't come across any ongoing threads discussing the Minor League pitch clock. I believe people have pointed out that SBs are up throughout MiLB and speculated it was due to the pitch clock rules. It's very hard to tell what's going on by watching on TV, but when you watch live you see that all players are being coached to take off as soon as the clock gets down to one second. I tell you what, I absolutely love it. I've been to a few Tides games this year and hadn't really picked up on it earlier in the season, and again, it's hard to tell what's going on while watching on TV. It adds so much more excitement and new ways to be entertained by these talented athletes. Today Westburg took advantage of the clock while on second base...with no outs....and Henderson at bat! They know if they get the extra .5 to 1 second you will be safe every time. Nottingham (the huge slow catcher) took advantage of it with 2 outs on first. I don't think anyone in the stadium had a clue what was going on when he took off, took the P by surprise, and caused the P to balk. I know some people are purists and I sure as heck used to be, but I'm all about making the game more exciting and attractive to a new & younger audience. Not only does it speed up the game significantly, but it gives non base stealers a chance to impact the game on the basepaths, keeps the pitcher and defense on their toes, and adds a whole new element to the game that is exciting and entertaining. They will need to start to put the pitch clock on the TV broadcasts so that the fans at home can watch this aspect of the game. I believe this is a great way, albeit very different, to make the game more fun for the younger crowd and also to attract more athletes to play baseball. My two cents, I'm sure there are other opinions out there. Would be curious to see what everyone else thinks.
  7. Got a chance to see Westburg play in person today for the first time. My impressions were the following: -he’s a big guy. Incredibly strong. He pounded the ball all day and finished with a hard hit single and double. -he’s a baller and runs very well. Stole 3rd base on a great read -looks like a gamer - was vocal on field and in the dugout. -his glove seems really solid but his throws to 1B from shortstop we’re kind of all over the place. Up, down, left, right - Dorian helped him out a bit with a pick -he looks like an all-around solid player that will help out your team on both sides of the ball and on the base paths. I’m excited to see how his skill set translates to MLB. He looks like he’s ready to be challenged. Very fun day watching Westburg, Gunnar, Vavra, & Stowers show off their skills.
  8. I got a chance to see Henderson play in person for the first time today. I’ve watched dozens of his games on TV but hadn’t had a chance to see him play live. My observations are the following: -he must have some incredible vision. His pitch selection is incredible. He doesn’t even flinch at a pitch he decides not to swing at. It’s as if he makes his decision the moment the ball comes out of the pitcher's hand. -he is a big dude! He’s tall and muscular. -he’s fast and hustles. -pitchers want nothing to with him. Words out, if it’s in the zone, it’s getting hit hard. Had 2 walks and would have had 3 were it not for a bad call in the AB that led to the K -his swing is a thing of beauty. compact and powerful. He didn’t get any hits on the day, but I came away incredibly impressed. It looks like we have a bonafide impact player on our hands. He DH’d today, so unfortunately didn’t get to see him in the field. I’m very excited to see him play again and can’t wait to see him in Baltimore.
  9. Baseball is a game of adjustments. He will be making adjustments next year and the year after, as well. The idea is to continue to get better until the very last day of your career.
  10. I just watched the game. He’s gonna need to keep the man-bun if he pitches like that. A little wild early with the FB missing high, looked like he was overthrowing it. But that change up, where did that come from? He over threw a few, but there were a tom that looked down right unhittable. Crazy amount of movement. He has a different look to him this year. Looks like a guy that knows he has talent, hasn’t been able to over come, and knows he’s getting close to to his last opportunities if he doesn’t put up. Seems much more locked in and focused.
  11. For a guy everyone is somewhat down on, Cowser’s name pops up a lot on the leaderboard.
  12. Got the middle middle fastball mistake and couldn’t put a good cut on it…..or the mistake fastball right after. Good grief - he is not in a good place right now.
  13. It doesn’t translate on TV. In person it’s great….except how much the tickets cost.
  14. Ha! Odor stills gets booed in Toronto. I was thinking who/why in the world are they booing? Yep. That.
  15. Who hits their first major league HR? Stowers or Rutschman?
  16. Lance Cormier calling the VT game. I haven't heard that name In a long time.
  17. He can’t ignore all those comments forever? Or, can he? Would look pretty ridiculous. I imagine MASN is working on best way to spin this so that all talking heads say the same exact non descript thing. You’d of thought they would want to get out in front of this.
  18. I think they are gonna need to find a chump that will take what they want to give him and not what he’s worth.
  19. Ah, so that is why Real estate prices in US cities are plummeting like a rock in water. Got it.
  20. And it is an absolutely awful state to run a business or retire. Anyone with any wealth or a decent size business is foolish to run their business out of MD or retire in MD when there are multiple better options.
  21. I’d be dumbfounded if Dru Jone’s agent had not already told the Orioles not to draft him before this came out. You are 110% looking at overslot again. Any player that believes they have a chance to be great will be avoiding this POS franchise like the plague.
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