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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Akin has become incredibly fun to watch pitch. Consider me a fan.
  2. Stowers looking real comfortable at the plate. Continues to stay hot. Three hits tonight (two doubles). OPS back up over .900.
  3. Go surfing (or swimming) for 2 or 3 hours w/o proper hydration and you’ll learn all about back cramps.
  4. Smart man, Trey. Aim for the bullpen.
  5. He looked like he had his stuff through 4. 5th inning looked different fastball didn’t pop and off speed wasn’t sharp. Top 6 first slider wasn’t sharp and then the89 BP fastball. I think best case scenario is that he all of the sudden felt sick to his stomach, but sure doesn’t seem like that is the case.
  6. I think his next start will be In Aberdeen.
  7. Last pitch he threw sure looked like a fastball and the stadium radar gun had it at 89.
  8. Three more hits tonight. Call the man up already, there is a log jam in the infield at Bowie and room for Infielders at Norfolk.
  9. Did not look like he was throwing as hard tonight.
  10. Unreal. I hate being an orioles fan. He looked different tonight than other times I’ve watched him. Hope it’s nothing serious. Maybe he just doesn’t fee well, he just didn’t the have same presence about him on mound tonight.
  11. Son of a bitch!! He’s out of game.
  12. Oh boy. Trainer came out. Maybe there is a reason he looks like he throwing at 50%….
  13. 2 pitches 2 outs top 6. Haha - he must be streaming something in the dugout.
  14. One pitch one out top 6. Lol
  15. I was curious on velocity as well. It legit looks like he’s warming up in pen playing catch at slightly over 50% effort. Almost looks like he’s trying to get contact and go as far in game as possible. I think they let him go 90 tonight.
  16. He looks bored out there. It’s so free an easy it looks like 60% effort. Strike after strike after strike. Just filling it up like he knows no one has a chance.
  17. Was really hoping he’d get called up for Fridays game (I have tix). Oh well.
  18. Grayson is listed as Norfolks starter tonight. Looks like at least another week unless there is some Tom foolery going on.
  19. I think the Os have a shot a 500 BBs on the season. Came up short last year, but have a legit chance this year.
  20. He was playing really well before he got hurt. I hope he can pick up where he left off.
  21. Just got home and out game on. I guess this was predictable. Dang.
  22. That’s a fair assessment and likely true (re:value not taking a big hit). I do think he needs to put up some significant numbers if he is going to bring anything back or real value. If he continues along as a 2-3 WAR player, whose main attribute is speed, I don’t think it nets much of value. He probably brings more value to Baltimore than he does in a trade. I think Santander & Mancini will be the ones to go in the next couple months.
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