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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Who did they have that could pinch run? The third string catcher? A pitcher?
  2. I don't know man, I'm sure if I got lucky enough I could beat LeBron James one on one.
  3. I won't try to take all your hard work apart here. I'll just say that everything we have heard and seen from Elias leads me to believe there is zero chance of Adley Rutchman making his ML debut this season.
  4. I don't think anyone is expecting him not to drop off to some degree. He's got an ERA+ of 271 for goodness sake.
  5. Given the team makeup it was fair to trade him. I would have liked a better return but I'm more of a quality over quantity guy.
  6. It's really basic stuff: throw you effective pitches more and your ineffective pitches less. If the O's didn't come to him with that at some point I don't know what to think.
  7. His K/BB rate was only close to 1 in one of his three seasons as a starter. His FIP was under 5 as a starter. He had a shoulder injury. I'm not saying he was a good starter, he wasn't. He was not below replacement level. I'm never going to agree to toss all the metrics out the window.
  8. Yes I'm wailing on you a bit but you keep being wrong. ? By both fWAR and rWAR Britton has never had a season below replacement level.
  9. What does that have to do with your assertion that he came up with a new pitch? He had shoulder injuries as a starter and uneven performance. They moved him to the bullpen and worked with his command of the sinker...that he started throwing in 2007 after Calvin Maduro tried to teach him a cutter.
  10. That call was all about the catcher's reaction instead of where the ball actually was.
  11. That's not accurate. The pitch is the only reason he made it to the majors in the first place. What actually happened was a combination of injuries and throwing to strings to improve command.
  12. Or have a huge contract that makes you proof from all incompetence.
  13. His career ERA+ is 98 at home and 103 on the road. Not a huge difference.
  14. Whatever dude. I am of the view that egregious mental errors should count as errors. I don't think that's some odd fringe viewpoint.
  15. He's not on notice. He's still starting most games despite being a liability.
  16. Doesn't change the fact that I think it should. He had no chance at that ball. That play was all risk no reward.
  17. I'm of the mind that if you dive for a ball you have no chance for instead of pulling up and fielding the ball on a bounce it should count as an error.
  18. Now none of these have completely clean play from the outfielders but don't think they especially egregious.
  19. I figured I'd err on the side of caution.
  20. https://streamable.com/qsn1oz Kepler did not swing at any pitches.
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