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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I think you will lose the occasional player that would have had a nice ML career otherwise but we won't know so no one will miss them. For the most part you will just be removing chaff.
  2. All true but it would complicate matters and slow things down.
  3. Ultimately it is about money of course but I do think that they think the current minor league system is outmoded. From a development standpoint do you think teams need as many teams as they currently have? Are the younger kids better off playing in rookie league ball or working in camps the year they are drafted?
  4. Why not just have the mangers decide the result on a game of Roshambo?
  5. After the owners and players come to an agreement they have to the get the umpires' union to sign off.
  6. After the 20th inning teams can bring in coaches to pitch.
  7. Next year's draft is probably going to be stacked. I don't see the sense in not signing this season if you are a top pick.
  8. The union willing to crack open the war chest and pay some guys?
  9. They could be paying their owners a healthy salary.
  10. I think various taxes, rent and insurance eats up a lot of capital.
  11. To save money. Setting the groundwork for fewer minor league teams. On the field? Probably none. Not like the O's are masters of hitting on late round picks. The peripheral guys should go to school next year.
  12. Folk seem to be of the opinion that as long as you are wearing a mask your immune.
  13. Going to have to be a pretty big fire if they are practicing social distancing. ?
  14. Uh oh. Former agent accuse Williamson of receiving illegal benefits from Duke and shoe companies.
  15. No, I'm potentially spreading the virus in a circle with a 13 foot radius.
  16. Sneezing isn't a symptom so that would be a pretty uncommon occurrence for most folks. Obviously if for some reason you sneeze on a regular basis you should account for that.
  17. You said "leaving the house". Evidence exists that the virus doesn't travel further than 13 feet. If I am by myself in a public place not within that zone what purpose does the mask serve? I'm fine with my rights being limited when it impacts the rights of others but that isn't the case here. If I am going for a morning jog and staying away from others the only thing a mask does is interfere with my breathing.
  18. I'd rob it electronically. I don't celebrate holidays. My super power would be invisibility. Hey now!
  19. I've got 1.8 acres. If I'm out mowing my lawn, on my property, while not wearing a mask I could be fined? How am I putting anyone at risk? Their is no reason to have a mask on if you are not within 13 feet of another person.
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