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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Like I said last year right around this same time. It is really hard to lose that many games. Especially when you have other teams actively tanking.
  2. How so? Do you think the trash can part is the deal breaker? These "Isolated examples" are just the ones that have been reported. You don't think these are the only ones right? Do you think that no one between 1900 and 1951 thought to do this? That no one from the 60's Indian teams until the White Sox did it? That no one from 90's did it? That the first team of the new millennium that did it was the Red Sox? Did you see the picture of the sign hanging in clubhouses that I posted? Notice how it didn't mention punishing players? They specifically left off player punishment when they posted those LAST YEAR. You can't go and retroactively change that.
  3. I don't see how that makes sense at all. They had a chance to lay out penalties for this type of behavior when the Red Sox got caught. They chose not too. Too late now to go after players. They can put something down in writing (working with the MLBPA) and get the next guys.
  4. And you will notice I didn't bold the part about trash cans. ?
  5. No it isn't. Well it is new if you consider 1900 new.
  6. Ohh can we take the money away from the 51 Giant players' heirs? How about the White Sox and Mets teams of the 80's? They still have money right? How about the decedents of that 1900 Phillies team? If they charge interest on the fine I bet it'd be a lot of money for the league. If a guy is in the minors now after being in the majors in 2017 are they docking his MiLB salary?
  7. So Altuve should be fined 17.3M? Yea, that isn't overreacting at all. Seems like something the MLBPA would sign off on.
  8. Dear MLB I am very sorry for cheating on the World Series I know that you, your league and MLB has zero tolerance on dishonesty. In my ambition to receive recognition and a ring, I lost sight of the fact that these things are earned and not freely given. This ordeal has been very stressful, but I have learned much from this situation. Cheating—no matter the motives or the rewards—is immoral and unjustifiable. If you, my peers and the media are willing to accept my apology, I humbly ask that you reconsider or lighten my punishment. The dedication that MLB has shown to its players’ earning potential is something I have a great and newfound respect for. I have learned much already, and I hope to continue earning from MLB. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, {Sender}
  9. Thanks, I've been trying to remember those details.
  10. Do players count as club personnel?
  11. No, that is being realistic.
  12. I think Bonds gets in at some point. I fully expect this incident to impact Altuve's chances. Rose is a separate issue entirely since he's ineligible.
  13. Seems reasonable to suspend every player that spent time on the 25 man roster of the 2017 Astros. While we are at it let's suspend everyone that was on the 2018 Red Sox roster for even a day. How about the 2017 Red Sox players? Are we suspending them? Should we kick Harold Baines out of the Hall of Fame? He was on the White Sox teams that might have been stealing signs.
  14. How can you determine that? Everyone of them knew it was wrong. Everyone of them was complicit in the act. One having a "change of heart" after being spurned by the team and moving to a division rival doesn't change that. Plus, as I said, in some of these cases you would be punishing fans and teams that had nothing to do with it.
  15. Let's say one of the players involved, a pitcher, now plays for another team, say the Athletics. Wouldn't you be hurting the Athletics if you were to suspend this hypothetical player? You can't just suspend the ones that still play for the Astros right?
  16. In his defense with the launch angle revolution going on ground ball pitchers' value is at an all time low.
  17. Theoretically he could have gone to the commissioner. Realistically he could get out of dodge when another job presented itself.
  18. At most he was aware of what was going on.
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