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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I don't think I've been unfair in my criticism. He's a poor defensive player who bats right handed. That limits his value. I don't think he will bring back much in trade due to those factors. If it comes to pass that Mountcastle isn't superior at the bat or in the field to Mancini I'll feel the same way about him. I think Mountcastle has the potential be be superior defensively because of his past history. Edit- Keep in mind I'm against gaming Mountcastle's service clock since I don't think he will be the caliber of player that warrants such action. Obviously I'm not predicting stardom.
  2. I visited from /All. The groupthink extends much further it is just most prevalent there.
  3. I'd categorize myself as active in one sub-reddit while dabbling in two more while lurking in another handful. Overall it's a nice resource but the groupthink is real. Folks have a tendency to mass downvote things they don't agree with. Obviously a sub-reddit like r/SousVide isn't going to be the same as r/Politics.
  4. Weams and I agree more often than you might think. One thing we agree on is the sound. You can't fake it.
  5. You should be when the bar you set was the throw making it back into the infield.
  6. It depends on the sub-reddit but you will see a huge amount of group think on Reddit.
  7. Got love how Craig pushes an agenda. Some days I miss Shysterball, other days I don't. I don't see how one thing has any relevance to the other.
  8. I don't think that is an accurate statement. I can think of one poster in particular that is much more concerned about defense than I am.
  9. It was his lack of plate discipline which is pretty laughable given how little he said about Schoop and Jones having the same issue.
  10. But if he makes one bad thrown from left the jury will convict.
  11. I think making jokes about players intentionally trying to injure other players qualifies. If you think it's acceptable or even amusing so be it.
  12. Gary had a guy go 1-1 and a guy for 1-2 under his tutelage. Isn't that more telling than how highly ranked they were before entering college?
  13. It isn't funny. Not in the least. Brain trauma is one of the not funniest things out there. And it's unsettling that someone posted the tweet as if it wasn't disgusting.
  14. Maybe all the opposing pitchers could just bean the Astro players?
  15. Hey now, all of my sarcasm is quality.
  16. You want to bring in another 3B to block Mountcastle?
  17. Suspension lasts until the 2021 WS is completed.
  18. Perk of being a really really bad team. No one wants guys that can't make your 40.
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