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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. They put up memorials for guys that only go to the hospital? Pretty sure classy Janice was talking about killing some cheaters. But she's a self anointed babe so I guess it's OK.
  2. Weird how once again the Red Sox get caught and then another team gets caught and hit with a much harsher penalty.
  3. Can you blame a man for not wanting to talk to McCarver?
  4. Let's condemn those dirty cheaters while simultaneously lauding those players who tried to injure their peers by suggesting they would commit manslaughter in the name of a fair game!
  5. Right. They essentially didn't punish the Red Sox and then made vague statements about harsh future penalties. Why not lay out what those penalties would be? Would you take anyone seriously that handled things in such a manner? Be it a parent, a teacher or an employer? You need to either set actual guidelines or follow former precedent, you can't just make things up as you go. Except that is what MLB does all the time.
  6. They fined the Red Sox. No picks, no suspensions, a fine. That's less than a slap on the wrist for a MLB team. Why didn't they detail what the future penalties would be?
  7. Using film to decode sign patterns isn't the same thing at all. That's legal.
  8. This is what MLB does, they let stuff go with a wink until someone takes it to the level that the average fan gets upset and then they overreact.
  9. The Red Sox got fined for cheating with Apple Watches in 2017. No draft picks, no suspensions, just a fine.
  10. That's not how I would go about things. You punish in accordance to precedence and then you establish new guidelines. This would be akin to a pitcher getting caught using resin and bullfrog to get a better grip and getting a 50 game suspension when Matusz got eight.
  11. I still think it's a ridiculous escalation over prior penalties.
  12. Doesn't sound like a realistic scenario.
  13. Almost as bad as signing Ubaldo and Gallardo.
  14. Here is a hypothetical Buck. Do or die playoff game on the road, extra innings. You can throw either the reliever having literally the best season ever had by a reliever or an up and down starting pitcher who hasn't been able to hold onto a spot in your rotation. Who do you pitch?
  15. They talked to him without permission.
  16. With those new fangled center field cameras. I also vaguely recall a story of electronic signals being sent to the third base coach in the 19th century.
  17. They got a pretty free pass the first time they cheated. Kinda hard to let them off for a second offense after the Astros got nailed to a wall.
  18. You do? I don't. Not the Dodgers or Yankees. The thing is when you don't set actual guidelines you can have a sliding scale.
  19. Sure, but you can at least try, and a framework is better than making stuff up as you go along. Question, if it was the Yankees or the Dodgers do you think the penalty would have been as severe?
  20. They all know that they all cheat whenever they can. They probably didn't know exactly how.
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