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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Makes me think it came from something in the analytics office.
  2. Mountcastle is always a couple of bad days away from Game Thread comments.
  3. Do you think McCann playing 110 games at Catcher is the same player that he is playing 50 games a year?
  4. I don't want them to win every game. It would be tiresome to watch and the media would be just unbearable. I just want two things. For them to make the playoffs. Win the last game they play.
  5. I might not be right, but I never said I was. You asked me to convince you, not prove a claim. Are you convinced?
  6. Why wouldn't they be using it? They get tested what, three times a year? No one seems to ever get caught for using PED in that league. How many of the really big stars are 35 or over? Do you think Adam Silver is going to have an issue with guys using HGH while they enact rules to try and keep players from taking scheduled days off?
  7. Oh, I wasn't competing. I don't consider myself that big a fan honestly. Caress of Steel does hit for me tho. I find most everything after Moving Pictures to be pretty meh.
  8. You will never convince me that HGH use isn't rampant in the NBA.
  9. Caress of steel was their first great album. But that's not the topic. If you want to get someone into Rush that isn't already a prog head (because they would already know about Rush) you hand them Moving Pictures and not 2112. Radio hits is what makes a good gateway album. You don't hand someone Ummagumma that has never heard Floyd before.
  10. I have. I also don't put "good" at one end. I figure if you think only four or five teams count as "good" there has to be a whole bunch of bad teams.
  11. I'd put rather more teams into the "good" category. What with 30 teams and all. So you have what four good teams, six average teams and twenty bad teams?
  12. I'd say the right gateway to Rush is Moving Pictures. Not saying it's the superior album but it's a lot more accessible.
  13. How many teams would you say are good? Four? Five?
  14. You know how it does. If they swing at the first pitch and something bad happens it was a mistake. If they don't swing at the first pitch and something bad happens it was a mistake.
  15. So far this season he hasn't changed my mind about risking a QO.
  16. We could do a lot worse.
  17. In his defense that was his first of the game.
  18. You must be messed up if you want Kjerstad trying to steal.
  19. He might give up one. Two is very unlikely.
  20. Should switch it to LCD Soundsystem's You Wanted a Hit.
  21. I'm sure it's about impossible to turn off those instincts in the heat of the moment.
  22. I don't know about overall but Henderson and Mountcastle were #1 and #5 in slugging against non-fastballs a couple of days ago.
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