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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I'm not sure this explains things but maybe?
  2. Big boy dong. https://bdata-producedclips.mlb.com/27fde75a-0704-49f8-9470-505c0e990440.mp4
  3. I think it used to be Mike Stanton.
  4. I'd expect them to stop trying to do it eventually.
  5. Has he ever blown three in a row before?
  6. O's going to put up a couple in the 8th.
  7. I have no idea. Baseball needs a personality infusion and if Soto wants to play a heel I'm here for it.
  8. I bet there were Yankee fans that were really pleased that Gunnar got hit last night.
  9. Yea, hit him! Maybe they can end his career! That will show him! Nonsense. You don't want guys to bat flip and pimp? Don't let them beat you.
  10. Not as if they have two of the top five slugging percentage against non fastballs in the lineup! Oh wait...
  11. I know he had a nice impact on the O's last season but Hicks was cut for cause. It isn't easy to put up -.6 rWAR in just 57 at bats.
  12. I guess thanks? This is like when the Gen Z kids say they think I'm cool and I can't tell if they are joking.
  13. Naw, you have to be pretty bad to get a ban here. Abusing caps lock and posting stuff to the wrong forum won't do it.
  14. I think they were also concerns if he could stick at Short.
  15. I've read it in multiple sources. Maybe it's an exaggeration? Dude played from 31-47. I'm certainly not suggesting I saw it happen or seen video of it.
  16. That's one of my favorite old time players. He was so slow and hit the ball so hard that the infielders would play back where the outfield grass started. On multiple occasions he got thrown out at first off of balls that hit the wall.
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