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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Over his 11 year career he's hit more than 15 HR in a season once.
  2. I would bet that Brown is on a one year deal.
  3. I'd say that the Rockies are directly competing against the Orioles. There are 30 MLB teams, they are all directly competing with each other. I'd also say that it's murky enough that Angelos could tie it up for the rest of the season. I think that if they tried to extend the agreement past this season that they'd lose. I don't see how a couple of months would count as unreasonable or oppressive. Brown could be free to find work with anyone that isn't one of the other 29 teams. Thorne has done Hockey for instance. You might be right, but I think the Angelos family could, and would, tie things up in court in a way Brown might not be able to easily deal with.
  4. It looks to me after a 20 second Google search that if Brown signed a Non-compete agreement that it would be enforceable, at least until the end of the season. Can you explain to me why that is incorrect? (and yes we don't know if such an agreement was included in his contact).
  5. I wouldn't trust John to run any investments on my city's dime.
  6. WTH was that shot for? I'm just saying I think John is the type of guy that would make it as hard as possible for someone in Brown's situation to simply walk and get another job in the field, I agree that it will be a net positive in the long term.
  7. I obviously have no idea what type of contract he's signed. But I can easily see some of no compete clause being in there. Is Brown in a situation in which he could try and litigate exactly what a suspension is? If they paid him and just didn't make use of his services is that an unlawful suspension? If I got a mortgage to pay do I want to deal with that? In an ideal world, yea he tells John to stuff it and walks.
  8. Fairly confident that Angelos would hold him to whatever contract he'd signed.
  9. While I think his return is going to be awkward and newsworthy I think that if he didn't return tonight it would be a much bigger deal.
  10. A lot of folks don't have the financial freedom to do that.
  11. But why keep coming back where you are clearly not wanted? Why knowingly violate the rules of the community? Oh and that first part, I did laugh out loud.
  12. But he did. If you take away Mountcastle's 9 RBI game he goes from third on the team in RBI to seventh. He's overperformed in some respects and underperformed in others.
  13. Wow you aren't even bothering to hide the fact you are trying to circumvent a banned account. I think your post above is pretty ample proof and I imagine you'll be gone soon. Tschüss.
  14. Haven't met many Marines have you? In my experience the military doesn't instill a sense of honor. Either you have it before you join or you don't.
  15. Yes, we know you are. You've told us every time you've changed your name after getting banned. I thought you were disillusioned from your time in the Corps?
  16. I think the fact that the National media has stated to pay attention if pretty much forcing the local folks to step up their game.
  17. My guess is that the language is super clear on the issue and it would be about impossible to tie up in the courts. Otherwise someone would have tried it by now.
  18. Can't we all just agree that we don't know the mental state of any of the players?
  19. 4- The owners are mostly concerned with maintaining the status quo and only get involved in the business of other owner's handing of their team in extreme cases.
  20. Doesn't the Ravens deal contain language that anything additional the Orioles get, the Ravens get? So an extra 300M is actually an additional 600M.
  21. Of course you might not be able to come to an accord. You can't force them.
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