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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. How does Angelos count as an inept owner? He's raking in the money, he's got 600M in bribe money sitting there for him to take and the team is competitive. Arte Moreno is an inept owner.
  2. It's pretty funny. I watched some highlights of the legislators interviewing folks for the A's. L- Yes or no on this simple point. A-Goes on without giving an actual answer. L- Yes or no? A- Goes on without giving an actual answer. L- Well I'm wasting my time here so I'll give up the rest of my time.
  3. So does the theory work off of the trainers being incompetent or the team just letting an injured player go out there and be unproductive when they have depth in the minors?
  4. You don't think the trainers would notice he's trying to hide an injury?
  5. It's baseball. Short series. I think we all knew that despite how bad Oakland was they weren't Cleveland Spiders bad.
  6. Ran through a stop sign. https://bdata-producedclips.mlb.com/92d573b2-1c24-4018-8571-66bfe8d6fcb1.mp4 Scored.
  7. I thought he was talking about his fanfiction. Seemed racy....
  8. Mets fans loved how Buck was talking his guys up after they just got swept.
  9. But hey, the shortstop had an 81 OPS+ before that groundout.
  10. Hey now I didn't step up the ante to include a starving family at home! As I said, I think the folks on the other end of the market are as much to blame. I don't think many folks are forking over 75 bucks for one of those to give their kid.
  11. And the PED use. For those that are bothered by that sort of thing.
  12. /shrug. It isn't how I'd make my living but there is a market for the product. I think the folks willing to pay big premiums on collectables are as much at fault.
  13. I couldn't tell. I'm not blaming my sense of humor for the miscommunication.
  14. I find the practice annoying myself but for some folks it's less greed and more making rent and putting food on the table.
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