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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. The former is not realistically happening and the latter was already present.
  2. You mean some miniscule fraction of a percent factor? Sure. That isn't how I read the comments.
  3. Me? No. I would know that I'm not the problem and that catching cans in an apron is pretty easy to do. I'd think to myself, self, I only need to catch three to five cans of corn a day at this gig. I can surely keep my head down and mind my own business and manage that. This kinda sucks but I know I only have to do it for a couple more months and compared to a lot of things people have to do to make ends meet this is a pretty sweet gig even with the yelling.
  4. Once again with the "You might not know". You sure seem to think I might not know things. I know who Eloy is and I know what it's like to have a poor work environment. You go in and do your job regardless. Going in and not doing your job isn't going to improve the situation, at least this way you know you aren't part of the problem. Now the changing usage and theoretical mechanical tweaks could all be real things. I'm not disputing any of that. Just the idea that he couldn't hit as a DH because the White Sox were dysfunctional.
  5. They might be, but they haven't actual had a chance to do anything right? Hence all the "He's doing better just because he left Chicago" nonsense.
  6. Once again, trying to create a narrative. Protection isn't really a thing (if it was his OBP would be higher). Not having guys on in front of you isn't going to cause you to put up 240/297/345. I'm not sure why you think I don't know who he is? That just seems a bit like you are trying to insult me?
  7. I hope he's not doing any hate crimes.
  8. I think I am looking at the context. I think you folks are trying to invent a narrative. His JOB is to bat 3-5 times a game. That's it. There is no excuse to not put forth full effort. I can see a pitcher or fielder losing concentration but a DH? His biggest issue, besides health, has been launch angle. Was he too down to elevate the ball?
  9. Once again, the dude is a DH. Are you telling me he's not trying as hard as he can every at bat because his team sucks? I don't want that guy on my team. Since I confused folks by "that guy" I mean the hypothetical DH who is phoning it in because his team sucks.
  10. He's been knocking in runs for a couple weeks now. Plenty productive. Folks just like to pile on him as if he's terrible instead of pretty average.
  11. He's got 5 on the season and hasn't hit 20 since 2019.
  12. Yea 112 OPS+, 13 RBI in the last couple weeks. Such a shame they have a perfectly adequate guy manning first.
  13. Heck of a job protecting the runner going to second.
  14. If he still sucks after another 26 at bats...
  15. He looks scared, maybe he should lift more.
  16. Guys that aren't even very good throw no hitters.
  17. So far his defense at first has been even worse. Some guys can't play first. Didn't they try and get Delmon Young to play first? I think they decided he did less damage in the outfield.
  18. Frankly he should have adjusted his expectations by now.
  19. We can if he hits enough but he's going to have to really hit.
  20. If Mayo had made the play behind him it wouldn't be a bad start.
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