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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I was specifically grouping Means with the other free agents.
  2. As I watched the video I mostly just felt bad about him inheriting his dad's hairline.
  3. They could potentially add all sorts of free agents.
  4. If we are going to get a thread every time Mayo isn't the lineup I am now in favor of trading Mayo for whatever they can get.
  5. Didn't they send a sidearm relief pitcher to a contender during their last run?
  6. This one guy, I think his name is Burnes, seems pretty good.
  7. Don't sell the owner short.
  8. Because they aren't tanking, they just suck.
  9. Rain isn't an issue down here.
  10. May was his worst month with a 653 OPS.
  11. Pfft, can't even lead his own team.
  12. Bud, Chum, Pal. You accused me of damaging the board's metrics. That's an attack. You couldn't defend your actual point so you decided to try and whisper into Tony's ear that I'm hurting his bottom line. I view that as being pretty low. But you be you. But thanks for introducing me to Stealmanning. I wasn't familiar with that term.
  13. So you are accusing me of bullying people and question if I am hurting the metrics of the site but you're not attacking me? Oh, am I questioning too much? It's fine, I'm used to folks resorting to attacking me.
  14. You know what else is an effective tool? Attacking the other party instead of engaging in a dialogue over the actual point of contention.
  15. I'm an adult. As an adult I am aware that no matter how big the guy with the bat is that is complaining to me that he isn't going to actually hit me with the bat in front of 30 thousand witnesses and dozens of cameras. Pretty sure you don't get to be a ML ump if you have issues with being intimated by large men yelling at you. I think it's a bad take to make the case that having a physically imposing guy complaining to the umps is somehow advantageous to the team. I also think you are either grossly overestimating Eloy's accomplishments or needlessly diminishing Mountcastle and especially Mullins.
  16. Oh, I almost forgot, can you go ahead and tell me what year Eloy made the All-Star game? Baseball Reference appears to be in error and I'd like to send them a note to correct his stats.
  17. Mullins had a 30/30 season, he's got a top 10 MVP finish. How does Eloy have more "standing"?
  18. What? Eloy is 30 pounds heavier than Mountcastle (listed) and that intimidates the umps? Are you actually being serious or screwing with my before I've had my second cup of coffee? And for the record Mountcastle and Eloy are both 27 and Mountcastle has more MLB at bats.
  19. While you are certainly entitled to your opinion in this case I do not share it. This is the first time in my life I have seen one player being valued over another because he complains to the umps.
  20. Eloy has an OPS of 644 against RHP this season. Mountcastle has an OPS of 712 against RHP this season. The career numbers do go Eloy's way but I question how much weight they should be given. The low slugging is a problem.
  21. Yep, it's a move based on organizational need.
  22. Just think how many more he would have allowed if McCann wasn't his personal catcher.
  23. I think you are a lot more likely to see a pitcher or fielder having a lapse of concentration than you are a DH. I kinda view being a DH like being a field goal kicker. You can be 0-15 and down by 20 in the fourth and the kicker should be approaching the kick the same way. If the team is down by seven in the fifth I can almost forgive the left fielder for zoning out and missing a cutoff man.
  24. The former is not realistically happening and the latter was already present.
  25. You mean some miniscule fraction of a percent factor? Sure. That isn't how I read the comments.
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