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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. On the other hand, the greatest Oriole team in 1969, 109 wins, lost 5 of their last 6 regular season games … then lost 4/5 to the Mets
  2. Os in 1966 lost 5 of their last 7 games of the season , shut out twice, including a 1-0 loss in the season finale. They then swept the Dodgers in 4 straight.
  3. Finally somebody showed up .. Bradish was great, Wells was fine, rest of pen sucked today till Cano
  4. I would not be too happy to have spent hard earned bucks at the Yard today. Palmer is exactly right about losing focus and not having their heads in right place And daggone shame Perez gets saddled with this crap due to error.
  5. Pretty bad baseball playing today … prettty bad
  6. Way to just charge into the postseason boys!!
  7. If Texas loses, Houston wins and Toronto loses: The Astros win the AL West, the Rangers would take the second WC spot while the Blue Jays would have the third WC spot.
  8. Mateo screwed that tag up.. caught it, then didn’t drop glove down but reached to tag him .. too late
  9. The only public evidence I see is that John Angelos has given Elias and his team virtually complete autonomy in the rebuilding and hiring and decisions since he came on board. Don’t get me wrong.. JA has significant personality flaws evident in his public statements, lease negotiations, KB situation, media relations etc … however, if a new owner like a Bisciotti type had come in here in 2018 and hired Elias, then this board right now would be singing the new owner’s praises as the best owner ever. We have had the painful experience of living with the old man for decades and all that stuff colors our perception of JA. But Elias came with no such baggage at all and perhaps John also would like to be a bit different than the old man. Either way, it seems to date to me anyway that Elias was a great choice by JA and he has given him almost total autonomy in the rebuilding. And the son gets credit from me for that. Can this sour? Oh sure!! Will it be about money? Probably.
  10. In addition to bring the MVO, Rookie of the Year and that Jackson is not even in bigs yet.
  11. If Gunnar flies through playoffs , tearing it up as SS, he will have that position in 2024 no matter what Jackson does I suspect.. thus the 2nd base starts for Jackson in minors this year
  12. Haven’t seen enough to know .. if anything moves Gunnar off short, it may be that Westburg at 3rd is not his best spot
  13. I am down with Jackson playing second if that is the best defensively
  14. It gets back to the ultimate question…is Gunnar or Jackson the Os shortstop? Jackson has played 25 games at 2b in minors!
  15. You are right … no reseeding.. my bad . Given that, I prefer Toronto win today and then beat TB in wild card
  16. If Houston wins, Texas wins and Toronto loses: Astros will be the No. 5 seed, playing Tampa Bay And Toronto would play Twins in wild card and if they win , we face them in ALDS i think lol
  17. So you think Elias when interviewed by JA just said “Oh trust me, we will figure it out?” Or perhaps he was thoroughly prepared, presented his experience in detail and outlined his thoughts and plans and process to rebuild and beyond ?
  18. You would have a difficult time being the Orioles GM. In fact, you couldn’t be with that belief. I believe Elias has very different thoughts than you do about JA and acts in a way consistent with what appears to date to be a very mutually agreed upon path working for him. In other words, Elias operates in the real world, not a fantasy one.
  19. If Houston has any correlation, they were dead last in MLB payroll when tanking for 3 years under Lehnow, Elias was there. In 2016 they had a year like we had in 2022 and in that offseason their payroll moved from 30th to 18th mainly due to arb costs. In 2017 (hopefully like us) they had the first of three straight 100 plus seasons .. so what did that do to their budget? They went from 18th to 11th to 8th to 4th by the peak of that first wave. No doubt Elias went all through this in detail with John before he was even hired and has gone over it through the rebuild years hopefully already achieved a general understanding about the coming wave seasons and budget necessities
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