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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. That other guy pretty much stopped pitching and played right when he got traded to Yankees .. it worked out lol Although he actually was willing to do both but wanted more money and was refused. So he pitched only 5 times from 1920 on with last time being in 1933 after a 3 year hiatus he pitched one last game, complete game win, at Braves Field (not Fenway) against Red Sox .. Oct 1, 1933 “By 1933, his next to last season in Yankees pinstripes, The Babe was winding down his unparalleled career. He was 38 years old, hadn’t made a mound appearance since the season finale three years earlier and hadn’t pitched regularly since 1919, his final season with the Red Sox. Ruth hurled a complete-game victory over a depleted Red Sox squad on September 28, 1930, ending a nine-year hiatus from the mound. The Yankees were a distant third to Connie Mack’s powerful Philadelphia Athletics, who were in the process of claiming the second of three straight American League pennants. The Yankees-Red Sox series at season’s end was so insignificant that New York’s rookie manager, Bob Shawkey, excused his three top pitchers, Red Ruffing, Herb Pennock, and George Pipgras, and starting catcher Bill Dickey from making the trip. Ruth had hurled exhibition games through the years but those occasional offseason outings hardly prepared him to pitch again in the majors. Ruth, being the incredible player that he was, climbed the hill at Braves Field. No longer the lean lefty who starred for the Red Sox in the Teens, the portly Ruth still succeeded in turning back the clock to his years as a dominant hurler. In his only appearance as a Yankees pitcher outside of New York, The Babe blanked Boston for the first five innings in an eventual 9-3 win. He yielded 11 hits, struck out three — Ruth was never a strikeout pitcher, even in his prime — and started two double plays by twice snaring what the New York Times described as a “smash hot off the bat.”2 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle wrote that Ruth displayed “both speed and puzzling curves.” https://sabr.org/gamesproj/game/october-1-1933-lefty-ruth-all-right-in-final-mound-appearance/#:~:text=By 1933%2C his next to,season with the Red Sox.
  2. Yes and any of us that harbored delusional fantasies about acquiring an Ohtani rental for all of our farm can rest easy that Elias is not a crazy person.
  3. My bad.. my point was the former.. he pitched a number of bad games at his start .. i think it is going to be one of those deals we lose out on but time will tell
  4. https://www.stltoday.com/sports/professional/mlb/cardinals/where-drew-roms-bumpy-mlb-debut-took-a-detour-inviting-cardinals-to-wonder-what-if/article_f1bad9f8-405f-11ee-81f5-d34f4ae3c9a6.html Should have been out of the first inning ..it happens.. he was smoking at Memphis
  5. Rentals who get hurt.. worst case .. have to do what we would have done anyway except donating Prieto (.339 in 14 games at Memphis) , Rom who threw two starts at Memphis, 11 innings , 1 ER and called up, and Showalter on IL i have a bad feeling about how this plays out
  6. Verrry interesting responses!!! Hopefully we will see more cycles, quasi cycles , cycles plus, motorcycles etc
  7. Excerpt from Rosenthal Athletic article today “The White Sox, 49-77 and 16 games out of first place in the AL Central, are a hot mess. They admit to culture problems in their clubhouse. Even after acquiring numerous prospects at the deadline, their farm system ranks only 22nd in the majors, according to Baseball America. In the perception of rival clubs, their analytics department and overall infrastructure are lacking. And yet, five rival executives contacted by The Athletic on Tuesday night see the White Sox’s opening as more appealing than the average fan might think. The executives, granted anonymity so they could speak candidly, view the White Sox as almost a sleeping giant. Still, Reinsdorf’s employees rarely complain about him. If anything, just the opposite is the case. So, if Reinsdorf gives his new executive reasonable latitude — the team’s announcement said it anticipates putting a single decision-maker in place by the end of the season — then the other parts of the job should only add to its appeal. The White Sox play in the largest market in the AL Central. They opened the season with a $181 million payroll, the highest in the division and 13th-highest in the majors. Both East and West divisions feature big spenders, and the Cubs in the NL Central also are capable of flexing financial muscle. The other four teams in the AL Central, meanwhile, all rank in the bottom half in payroll.“ we shall see .. i hope not
  8. He came here didn’t he? Plus a President position like Williams is higher up .. better pay, big market .. low expectations in taking over a disaster
  9. Looks exactly like he did before he got sent down last time .. that crap just does not cut it in the big leagues
  10. I like cycle plus as a term compared to quasi which implies inferior or ersatz
  11. I agree .. the cycle is cool.The term was first used to describe George Sisler doing it in 1921 ..SABR has a fascinating article about the origins of the cycle as a term. “….on June 3, 1932, Tony Lazzeri of the New York Yankees hit a single, double, triple, and home run(as well as another single before the home run, and the homer was with the bases loaded) against the Philadelphia Athletics, in a 20-13 shoot-out New York win. Lazzeri’s rare feat had practically no mention in print, as it occurred in the same game where teammate Lou Gehrig tied a record by belting four home runs.” https://sabr.org/journal/article/origin-of-the-phrase-hitting-for-the-cycle-and-an-approach-to-how-cycles-occur/
  12. Absolutely and Gunnar did exactly what great players do .. played the game the right way. With my system though, he would have surpassed the cycle, because he would have a cycle plus 1
  13. A cycle is a bit contrived as a historical stat in the first place .. A cycle is only 10 total bases versus 12 for a 3 HR game .. yet the cycle is a magical historical feat that goes in the record books and gets the attention of fans and media alike. But if you hit a double instead of a single like Gunnar did .. then no historical accolades for his feat.
  14. Gunnar’s feat yesterday got me to wondering about how that might be captured as an historic stat. Cycles are , as we all know, hitting for single, double, triple and HR in the same game. It is a rare event .. 343 times in the 260,000 games played in baseball history. A natural cycle in which the hits go in order from single to HR is rarer still .. only 14 times in MLB history, last being Gary Matthews in 2006. So my thought was .. Gunnar was not joined with that historic group.. because he did something better. Thus I would propose a Cycle plus 1 for what Gunnar did yesterday, a Cycle plus 2 if he had hit 2 triples and a Cycle plus 3 for two homeruns I have no idea if any record is available as to how many players have done what Gunnar did but i suspect it is more rare than the cycle. Thoughts?
  15. Hot cider? Hot chocolate? Nerf balls?
  16. Well since Peter has developed such good will with the Commissioner and other owners over the years .. i am sure it won’t be an issue. Lol
  17. Sorry .. I understand that. My point is that just because you inherit Peter Angelos estate does not entitle you to necessarily be approved as an MLB owner(not an inheritable right) . Separate things.
  18. And limits lots of options too.. not everyone is a Steve Cohen who can spend 150 million to other teams to send his free agent mistakes to another team or to just eat the cost.
  19. There is a difference between not paying estate taxes as a surviving spouse and having a franchise relationship with MLB that requires any new person being approved by MLB executive owner council as a new MLB owner. These rights of MLB approval as owner do not necessarily go with the property material ownership of the team.
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