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Posts posted by survivedc

  1. By my count in the last 7 years only 4 teams have not been in the playoffs at least once: Phillies, Marlins, Padres and Mariners. 

    I would say not making the playoffs by year 7 is a failure. The farm system is decent and improving and ownership clearly has money to spend in the right situation.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I wonder if Adam Hall is going to be a year per level guy. He has been so far, but I think by next year he will be decently filled out and can hopefully split between AA and AAA. 

    I generally look at the competitive window as opening in 2022 and am thinking some guys like Hall and Rodriguez come up a bit early.

  3. My point is he wasn’t directly benefitting. His numbers weren’t directly better because the team cheated. He was part of more wins but he didn’t strike more guys out because of it. 

    Unless you want to say guys swing bigger and strike out more when they are down, fine. It’s not like a guy hits 40 homers then volunteers that he only did it cuz of cheating.

  4. On 11/12/2019 at 6:50 PM, Can_of_corn said:

    All the teams cheat whenever they think they can get away with it right?

    Also, not sure that was a great decision by Fiers, it isn't as if he wasn't being helped by the illicit activities and yet he comes clean now.

    Don’t see anything wrong with someone that was benefitting later realizing the error in their ways later coming clean but: how did Fiers personally benefit? Not sure if I missed something but as far as I can tell this only helped the batters. I guess he got playoff/WS bonuses?

  5. 13 minutes ago, Sessh said:

    Nah, it would have been the right call. It looked pretty clear to me that the tag was applied when his foot popped off the bag and before the trailing leg hit the bag. He clearly lost contact with the base with the tag applied. Several different angles of HD, slow motion footage. It looked pretty clear to me. The interference call was just embarrassing. Replay is pointless if they still get the call wrong. It happens way too often even in April.

    Well good thing you aren’t in charge of replay reviews. 

    There wasn’t irrefutable evidence by any means, you just couldn’t tell by the angle and nobody wants to sit around 5 minutes while they keep looking.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Sessh said:

    They wouldn't help the interference or the tag at third base that should have been overturned to an out to end that inning when Scherzer was still out there. They will call it a strike if you bounce one in the dirt and it happens to pass through the strike zone on the way to the plate, though. That'll be fun.

    Overturning the play at 3rd would have been a mistake. 

    In addition, I hate that side effect of replay, did he lose contact for a split second and was the glove on at that time? Just kinda ticky tack and not in the spirit of the rule IMO.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Chavez Ravine said:

    I love rye! What do you suggest? Not that I can get it out here in the boonys of Oregon. But I come back home now and again.

    Highly recommend Sagamore Spirit...they have a number of varieties and a really cool tour when you’re back next. Looks like closest in store location is Sacramento though.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Number5 said:

    I know the rule is confusing.  You are not alone in thinking that a runner is out merely for running out of the runners lane.  He isn't.  He really isn't.  There has to be an interference for an out to be called.  From what I've seen, there was no interference on this play.  The runner beat the throw and at the time of the issue he was legally touching first base, with every right to be where he is.  I look at the picture and see that the runner is on the base with the ball and glove behind him. 

    Hey, I've made this call myself.  And there is virtually always an argument from one coach or the other, depending on whether interference was called or not.  Few coaches understand the rule.  I've had runners running on the infield grass get hit in the back by the throw and the coach will still argue the interference call.  I've had throws 10 feet wide of the base go into the outfield and the defensive coach wants interference called.  I've even had a coach want a second out on the play if the runner was outside the lane and the throw beat the runner for the out with no issue.

    The thing is, there must actually be an interference and there had to have been a potential play to get the runner out.  From what I've seen, this runner was safe, regardless of the first baseman not catching the ball after the runner touched the base.  Had the catch been made, the runner was still safe, as I see it in the picture. 

    The ball is past the glove in the picture, the contact has already been made.

  9. 1 hour ago, backwardsk said:

    That’s a good picture of the play.   If Gurriel has his right foot on the bag and stretches out to meet the ball, the throw beats him.


    The ball is past his glove in this picture and contact has already been made. The picture is pretty misleading.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Redskins Rick said:

    MLB is having issues with their umpires, like the NFL is with their refs.

    They are both going downhill steadily over the years.

    I am sure the NBA and NHL does too, but I watch no NBA, and only the Caps during playoffs.

    Not sure if you mean their attitudes/persona is going down hill because the quality of work has certainly gone up. NBA refs for example are required to go over games afterwards and identify mistakes etc and they get over 90% of calls correct.

  11. 4 hours ago, NCRaven said:

    It sucks to be a 22 year old prospect.  Now they'll keep him in AAA all of 2020 and through the first  couple of weeks of 2021 (depending on how the new CBA is expected to look with relation to service time).

    I’m not sure the roster will be handled the same next year as this year. I could see a number of scenarios where Diaz gets called up. For one, I think about mid season it will make sense to have talent learning how to win together. 

    Anyway I hope so. I’d like to start seeing interesting guys like Diaz and some of this years AA pitchers.

  12. 2 hours ago, hoosiers said:

    Do people understand how bass ackwards our front office has been for 20 years?  PA cronies and old timers keeping their jobs long past any good they have done.

    Do people understand how our front office compared to others in the division and in baseball?

    How poor our analytics group has been compared others in the division and in baseball?

    I have said several times that folks are getting a front row seat to observing a handful of baseball executives turn our front office from among the very worst in baseball to something that will likely be a top 10 front office?  In the process, they are transforming the organization from how we draft, to how we play and develop, to how we prepare.  Enjoy it.  Learn from it.  It is not going to happen "trying to keep old Os involved as much as possible".

    Obviously not opposed to a front office turn around which is long over due. Don’t think a successful FO and not having old players involved is mutually exclusive.

    I think the whole “old players don’t and will never buy into analytics” is somewhat overblown. There is clearly enormous value to what analytics can tell us but there is also enormous value to having that information presented and changes made by people that have succeeded as players in the past IMO. Sig and Mike understand that I assume, Sig spent a season on a minor league bench. 

    Not going to apologize for thinking it’s unfortunate that someone who has spent over a decade with the organization was let go. I wish there could have been a way he could have been integrated into the new system.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Philip said:


    The Houston story was about Jon Matlack. JON MATLACK. He had a great career he was a great pitcher. 

    Yet he couldn’t justify his opinion he had made no notes he had made no valuations it’s just his opinion that they were wasting their time. Man, I would fire that guy before the words were out of his mouth.

    I agree that courtesy is always in order, but the idea that a guy should be kept around because he’s an old player is kind of ridiculous.

    no offense intended.

    In my initial comment I specifically said that BJ never said that he approached the boss about what he could do, what he should do To adapt to the new system. It appears he made no attempt. If Tony can get a response from Mike, an employee can get a response.

    I Remember when Dom Chiti got fired(Or let go, or dismissed, or whatever) And he made it very clear that he repeatedly reached out to Dan to talk to him about the situation, and Dan insisted he never had. I am pretty sure who is telling the truth and who was ignoring text messages or calls. Don tried. If BJ had, I think he’d have said so.

    meh. Nothing to see, let’s move on.


    I of course don’t think someone deserves to be kept around simply because they played here at some point. 

    You have no clue what BJ did, we have no clue what attempts he made to change and we have no clue if Mike approached him about changing. Maybe we will moving forward. To act like you do is disingenuous.

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