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Posts posted by survivedc

  1. 4 hours ago, Aristotelian said:

    "The comfort of the familiar." Lol, I watched some last night and didn't find the empty stadiums and cardboard cutouts particularly familiar or comforting. 

    Honestly after the first couple at bats the lack of fans didn’t bother me at all. After 4 months of this I’ve become used to the abnormal. The game on the field looked about the exact same and that was comforting, no doubt about it.

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  2. I missed the whole conversation but Bordick was relaying a story where Elias spoke about situational hitting, bunting and creating more runs, in spite of analytical advice.

    Interested to see what form that takes, if any. Lacking reliable batters it makes sense to try something different. We saw first hand how good the Royals were at station to station baseball a few years ago.

  3. 8 hours ago, ScGO's said:

    Wilkerson needs to play in 25 games, get most of his reps at 3B/2B/or COF, only swing against righties, and learn how to steal a base.  He is fast, and has good sprint speed analytics. He's just never developed into a base stealer.  But if his job is to play defense, steal a base or pinch run, and he can put up something close to the .783 OPS he had against lefties, he's a piece.

    He isn’t going to turn into Justin Turner but he has skills and part of me is worried he will get released and some other team will be able to hone them.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Enjoy Terror said:

    Evidently it's a 2020 Braves move who just won 97 games, and have a young outfield of Acuna, Riley, and if not Nick Markakis then top prospect Cristian Pache. 

    But sure, keep telling me that Smith, Williams, and Wilkerson are suddenly in line for storied Orioles careers because we didn't sign Puig.

    I was for signing Puig but I think most people here would be for signing him to a 1 year deal if we were a contending team. The idea is that he will stunt someone’s development here (which I don’t buy) as he won’t be part of the next winning squad.

  5. I’d be all for a year and team option for next year. Try and trade him if it makes sense, bring some small amount of excitement to the fan base and let the players have some fun playing with and watching a player that often gives 100%. 
    Plus, who really knows. There is a world where Puig comes in on fire, Davis hits 20 homers and Cobb stays healthy and the O’s sneak into the playoffs. The rebuild is looking long and my patience is wavering.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

    How much did it help Means?

    I think Mountcastle could have benefited from facing major league pitching, perhaps it would have helped him realize that just because you can make contact with a pitch it doesn't mean you should swing at it.  He also could have used more reps in the field.

    Going into the offseason with that kind of experience to build off of couldn't have hurt.

    As for the extra control? 

    Will he:

    Still be a major league player?

    Still an Oriole?

    Worth paying Arb 4?

    Not playing under an extension?

    All of the above assume no changes in the CBA.  I think the odds are pretty remote the O's see any benefit down the line.

    If he isn’t a major league player then none of this matters anyway. Great point.

    Obviously I agree he could benefit from seeing pitching and learning from it. I said as much in my post. Selfishly I wanted Mountcastle up sometime in the middle of the year last year. I thought he was ready.

    I think the odds are more remote the O’s see harm down the line, meanwhile, the potential benefit that you can effectively extend your competitive window by a year is signficant.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, makoman said:

    The argument is, if you are a service time manipulated guy, you are definitely a super 2 guy. So you are going to be one of the relatively rare guys who is under arbitration for 4 years.

    So, in the worst case scenario where you don’t end up that good, you aren’t tendered that long, so it never mattered. In the best case scenario, guys who are actually good enough to be tendered that long are essentially being paid free agent prices in their 4th year of arbitration anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. At least it doesn’t matter enough to hold a guy back. 

    It isn’t about salary as much as it is about control. So it does matter. 

  8. 40 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Yea, for a top prospect.

    I'm making the argument that the team would have benefited more from having Mountcastle up last September than will occur from him perhaps becoming a Arb 4 player.


    Ah, well if that’s your argument, I think you’re wrong. I’m generally in the camp that players need time to acclimate to each level. Mountcastle might end up being a good+ player but he likely won’t approach that level for a year or two. Fortunately the team’s best chance to be good won’t happen for three or so years, which would mean Mountcastle has a chance to be on a competitive team under control for 4 years. 

    Sure there is a chance the CBA changes, but I doubt it would immediately eliminate this manipulation and even so you may as well play under the rules as the exist.

  9. 2 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    I don't see a lot of scenarios besides him getting sick that will stop this from happening.

    For sure. I think most here agree that gaming service time is not a great look and maybe shouldn’t be allowed but it is and it would be silly to not take advantage of it (assuming that’s what is going on).

  10. 10 hours ago, UpstateNYfan said:

    Oh, I don't know high dollar guys with multiple years of earnings, will invested...enough for multiple lifetimes decide not to play...could it be that this is a cut and paste season, 60 games, made up divisions, basically ST exhibitions...3 to 4 months quarantined with teammates (as I understand it), away from family, none of the going out with teammates to bars and eateries, none of the camaraderie with teams in the clubhouse, dugouts, bullpens....no fans, a pretty crappy working environment IMO...for us this is a game, when you are at that stage of your career it is a business..the joy of the game maybe teammate interaction and not as much the game.

    Sounds like you don’t understand it.

    MLB hasn’t introduced a bubble for teams and these will be the same divisions as any other year. 

    FTR, I think some level of the social distancing will dissipate as the season goes on. When Euro soccer came back they talked a lot about keeping players apart and no touching etc and if you watch a game now most of that has gone away. 

  11. 7 hours ago, Philip said:

     Well, the point has been made already, so this is a discussion best retired, but I thought of a response to your comment about service time.

    A free agent who has signed a high dollar contract can easily sacrifice a partial year of that contract, so a year of service would not detrimentally affect him.  Yes, he is losing his prorated salary for this season, but he’s already got his money, so who cares. The kids, on the other hand, would benefit, because a year of service time moves each player closer to free agency and even if they play all 60 games this year, there will be less wear and tear on their bodies, so they could conceivably make extra money when they sign those wonderful free agent contracts.

    So I think in the long run, service time issues will be irrelevant for the older players and a benefit to the younger ones.

    You get a year of service time whether you play or not.

    Price is the only big dollar name to bow out thus far and I don’t expect he will start a trend.

  12. 2 hours ago, Philip said:

    Oh I was just pointing out the David price opting out was a benefit for the owners. I guess everybody already knew that. But I think when all is said and done the less expensive guys are going to play. The pre-arbitration guys are going to play, and the-comparatively-old guys on league minimum contracts are going to play,  but I would imagine that a large number of high dollar guys aren’t. I still have my doubts about whether we will play, but we shall see 

    Why would a large number of the high dollar guys not play? My understanding is players get a year of service time whether they play or not.

  13. 1 minute ago, SteveA said:

    But forfeit their salary.

    Only "at risk" players can opt out and get their salary.   Since there are no players over 60, that list is probably pretty small.   Ex Oriole Jason Johnson had diabetes, he would probably qualify, but I don't know if there are any players with diabetes currently in MLB.   (Ravens all pro TE Mark Andrews does have it).

    Not sure what other conditions apply.   Chad Bettis, a cancer survivor, just announced his retirement.   Maybe Carlos Carrasco qualifies.

    But for the most part, a player who opts out will lose his salary, as there are very few players who are personally at risk.   The guys opting out and forfeiting their salary are doing it for their families (at risk relatives, pregnant wives, etc).

    Yes, forfeit their salary for not performing the work they otherwise get paid for.

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  14. 16 minutes ago, GoldGlove21 said:

    Honestly, I wish they was no baseball or sports for 2020. I don't feel that my wanting to watch sports, the owners wanting to make money, and the players wanting to get paid should outweigh the risk to players and their families. The MLBPA has had strikes before and not worried about baseball being played. I don't see the importance of having baseball this year. For that reason, 60 or 70 game in a season seems to be of little importance to me. The players are thinking about their bottom line and the owners of theirs. I don't see what either has to do with the actual fans in this instance.

    The players are allowed to opt out for their safety if they wish.

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