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Posts posted by survivedc

  1. 1 hour ago, atomic said:

    Really are you even reading what I am saying.  SCHOOLS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN SPECTATOR SPORTS.  Almost all governments will not allow baseball to happen.  They aren't' going to let a traveling virus show hit their town.   They can go play in Brazil like the UFC if they want to but it isn't going to happen here in the US.  The players will never go to a third world country. But you can live in your fantasy land if you want.  

    And the sports would take a tremendous backlash by even attempting something like you suggest.

    Truthfully we don’t know what governments will be thinking by June.

  2. 14 minutes ago, atomic said:

    That isn’t a plan. This isn’t going away. You can’t have everyone stay home for 18 months.

    Of course that’s a plan. Keep people apart long enough for supplies and overall knowledge to catch up. 
    As testing proliferates it will be easier to manage the virus. This won’t be solved/eradicated for a while I suspect but it should be able to be managed.

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  3. 2 hours ago, atomic said:

    These stay at home orders need a plan. If you just say stay at home 30 days and then in 30 days stay home another 30 days.  It isn't solving anything.  If they are using that time to get more equipment and ramping up hospitals and getting more testing, and getting out masks to everyone in the community that makes sense.  But I don't hear about any plans.  If your plan is to keep everyone on semi-lockdown for 2 years that isn't going to work. I would like to hear someone tell me their plans. 

    What could the plan be besides reduce risk of exposure, contain those exposed and continue to produce supplies to identify pockets of contamination and give our medical system a fighting shot? Seems that’s exactly what is happening. 

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  4. I’d like to see a no hitter/perfect game most of all. Seeing a player dominate the whole season long a la Davis & others HR title was awesome but something about that lightning in a bottle feat is attractive.

    The coolest thing I have seen, being too young for WS, is the back-to-back-to-back homers to lead off the game a few years back. Think that’s the only time it has ever been done to lead off a game.

  5. 1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

    Get ready to not have a season.

    On the front of ESPN.com right now, there's an article talking about the NBA being fearful that they won't start games until June..if at all.  If the NBA doesn't pick back up, there's not going to be any baseball.

    You guys can hope for the best, but I'd start preparing for the worst.  

    I don’t think the NBA should have much bearing on the MLB. The NBA would likely have to go straight into the playoffs which is a decent risk for players-2-3 months off then going full bore. I’m sure their TV money potential is so huge it will be very hard to say no, but I’m also sure they wouldn’t have as many viewers as during a standard playoffs. There have to be plenty of casual fans like myself who will follow along off the momentum from the playoff chase that just won’t care to pick it back up mid summer.

    If sports can’t come back until July I could see the NBA calling it while the MLB still has 3 months to go. 

  6. 12 hours ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

    2018 OPS+ 49 and 2019 OPS+ 60. 

    Also it's not illegal it's just against MLB rules. 



    To hope that a player who has done plenty of good things for this team and is not at fault for the exorbitant contract he was given has fallen so low that he is forced to make a decision that most likely harms his own body (in the long run), further embarrasses his team and destroys his remaining legacy, such that it is, is pathetic from where I stand.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Frobby said:

    It’s assuming a lot to say Harvey is a potential all star closer.     He throws 99 — so do a lot of other relievers who are not all star closers.    The guy has thrown about 27 professional innings as a reliever, none of which were as a closer.    Plus, he got shut down at the end of last year with a tired arm, and you have to consider his long injury history.    I’m not saying you can’t make a case to put him above Akin and Kremer (the OH list did), but there’s a lot to consider in making that judgment.   

    No doubt about it, his injury history knocks him down a few pegs. His stuff was electric last year, though I think it was such a long time coming many fans (myself included) were thrilled to see anything from him.

    I look at all star closer as a realistic, though difficult to attain ceiling, as we have already seen ML hitters overmatched by him.

  8. Is a potential all star closer (Harvey) not more valuable than a potential back of rotation starter (Akin/Kremer)? I guess both of those guys could end up as #3’s but it just seems that Harvey at this point is closer to reaching that ceiling. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

    Dean Kremer is the one pitcher outside of Hall and Rodriguez I'm looking forward to seeing.  Seems to have good stuff, high K rate, solid control.  

    Plus the dude just looks like a pitcher.

    I was impressed the times I saw him towards the end of last year he seemed to get better as the game went on, threw harder and was spotting his curves for K’s

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  10. 49 minutes ago, atomic said:

    This might be useful in some place in the UK but people in Baltimore and the Dominican Republic are armed to the max.  They don’t care about your walking style.   Like I said drop the victim blaming nonsense. 

    Getting into non baseball territory here but of course you can to a degree behave in certain ways to decrease your likelihood of being assaulted. 

    To label this as “victim blaming” is silly. You can acknowledge that the criminal is responsible for the crime while also instructing people in ways to stay safe.

  11. It is certainly a stain on baseball but it has the side effect of causing people to pay attention to baseball in the offseason.

    Wonder how many fans will turn away from the game because of this. 

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  12. 5 hours ago, Frobby said:

    Also the White Sox.     There were a couple of other teams who only went once with a meager win total.     

    True enough, what I hope will separate the O’s and those other teams is a clear plan on how to succeed. The Marlins and Padres didn’t seem to care until recently and many other teams have slapdash rosters. 

  13. By my count in the last 7 years only 4 teams have not been in the playoffs at least once: Phillies, Marlins, Padres and Mariners. 

    I would say not making the playoffs by year 7 is a failure. The farm system is decent and improving and ownership clearly has money to spend in the right situation.

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  14. I wonder if Adam Hall is going to be a year per level guy. He has been so far, but I think by next year he will be decently filled out and can hopefully split between AA and AAA. 

    I generally look at the competitive window as opening in 2022 and am thinking some guys like Hall and Rodriguez come up a bit early.

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