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Everything posted by Orioles0615

  1. I will be pretty annoyed if we leave the winter meetings and all we have is a rule 5 pick
  2. I doubt Ortiz or Westburg makes the opening day roster. You can't rely on prospects coming up and have to wait 2 months for them. Those 2 months still count when you are trying to win. They are also just prospects.
  3. I'm surprised he hasn't thrown cold water on any Free Agent pitcher. Normally he would have a couple of articles how they only need a "veteran" arm and how we have in house options.
  4. I cant stand when people count this to payroll. Payroll in my mind is what is on the field, not counting everyone you Bobby Bonillia'd
  5. Solid B. Depending on how the offseason goes this could be downgraded or upgraded
  6. They should have had him on the roster and then moved over to the IL right away. Then they kept him down too long anyway. Good for Adley, screw the Orioles for trying to gain an extra year. If you want him pay him
  7. The Astros fired Click. They are going to want Mejdal
  8. Other than Ohtani has there been a middle of the order bat to come from Japan and be successfull
  9. A lot of talk, but they will do the same old Orioles crap and it will be something like Micahel Wacha, and bringing back Lyles and Mancini. Then fans will jump through hoops to defend Elias.
  10. I don't think it hurt, but I think making a few small moves to improve the team could have helped.
  11. Technically our GM said this when we sold at the deadline and said we didn’t match up well with playoff teams
  12. I mean Bellinger won an MVP I think there is something in there someplace.
  13. Im sure we wouldn't have scored a single run. Glad to see the Jays lose.
  14. Orioles0615


    The guys like Hanser Alberto are few and far between. Normally if you hit for average you also have a high OBP. 11 guys hit above .300, only Nate Lowe wouldn't lead the O's in OBP and his was .358
  15. Its funny because the pushed the wall back to oblivion and decided to build a left handed heavy team
  16. Either sign Correa or Turner or give the infield job to Henderson, Westburg, Ortiz. No inbetween, no service time crap. Their depth and bench should be Mateo and Urias, and that's all Mateo and Urias should be.
  17. Yes we need a TORish arm and an impact bat. Elias didn’t do his job if we don’t get both this offseason. resigning Lyles and bringing back Mancini is not acceptable
  18. They need to get rid of this duel hitting coach bs. The hitting has been atrocious all year and it started when they brought in 2 hitting coaches this year.
  19. Not to mention the general public doesn't like going in to Baltimore
  20. Finishing below 80 wins at this point would not be ok and be very disappointing IMO. That would be this team collapsed. We don’t have to make the playoffs but at least they could do is tread water the rest of the way and win 80 games
  21. Its funny I have been so clamoring for a big bat the past couple of games, and then today realize we have thrown out Bauman and Akin (replacing Lyles) in the two biggest games of the year. Yea I want a bat but damn it we need picthing
  22. I don't think these O's roll like that like the Buck teams used to. Have they done something like that this year?
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