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Everything posted by Brian88

  1. That was Hayden Penn, and he did end up being a bust, I don’t know how to determine if his name played a factor though.
  2. From what I have listened to they do the exact same thing for home games.
  3. I was listening to a game on the radio last week that the two of them were calling. I rarely knew what was going on in the game, it was terrible.
  4. It's terrible, at least when one of them is on TV you aren't relying on them. On the radio it's just bad, and pairing the both of them together is a nightmare.
  5. Melanie and Scott really do a terrible job of explaining what happens on the radio
  6. I came in here hoping to find an answer to this question too. If he were to pitch Wednesday or Thursday I’d like to go to the game.
  7. Came in here just to check and make sure it wasn’t just me, it’s amazing how bad MASN is.
  8. Pretty funny how he used a small sample size to write off others negative opinion of McKenna and then used a small sample size to support his argument.
  9. He threw 78 pitches last game, pushing him to 90ish pitches today seems pretty reasonable.
  10. No reason not to go halfway, it was shallow so even if he was standing on third and it’s caught he wasn’t scoring, as we basically saw happen.
  11. Ma I think the most we can hope for is they use some of the savings to resign Gary Thorne.
  12. https://www.baseballamerica.com/stories/2018-19-international-reviews-colorado-rockies/
  13. I like Garceau on his radio show but he is really boring to listen to during the game.
  14. Can we look up how bad Rickards bat was last season too or do a couple weeks in AAA outweigh that now?
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