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Everything posted by seak05

  1. Nevin plays once in a blue moon. But our bench does stink. I'm hoping to see Stowers to Baltimore, Ortiz to Norfolk, Benscome to Frederick. Westburg to start getting some playing time in the OF at Norfolk
  2. Yeah, I think pitchers are attacking him differently, and probably with more offspeed stuff. I've got no problems with him getting promoted, but I also think there are still things for him to work on.
  3. I feel for him. He’s a college kid, so he wasn’t that young when he started pro hall. Then he lost two seasons to injury. He’s probably somewhat feeling like he has to make up for lost time, and now on top of that he’s struggling at hitting a baseball for probably the first time ever
  4. I think they meant just regular fatigue from it being his first season playing in several years. Sort of like when nba rookies hit “the wall” bc the nba season is longer then college
  5. Vespi is a left handed reliever who is struggling against lefties. He’s the one they sent down for a reason
  6. This the BABIP has to be high, and it's not like they're hitting it hard
  7. One of these days, I really want to see Matteo try to steal home
  8. The Rays defense has definitely been significantly better then the Orioles today. Also, the Orioles keep hitting the ball hard right AT people. Need to aim better
  9. Dude, breathe, guys aren't going to come up and be perfect right away. And I agree with you that the def lineup today wasn't designed to do Hall any favors
  10. Maybe he'd be better at 1b or DH, but yeah not a huge fan of him in the OF
  11. Not that they'll answer on Sunday, but here are some phone numbers for MASN execs (publicly posted on their website) https://www.masnsports.com/management
  12. I suspect we might see some trades. Santander would be a likely candidate, in that Stowers has already proven himself at Triple-A, but it depends on what you can receive in return. With the new LF at Camden Yards you really need two guys in the OF with good range. I think Stowers is closer to Santander on the defensive side of things. Cowser is probably closer to Hays (with maybe a bit more range), in that he'll cover a lot of ground in LF, but might be a stretch avg CF vs Mullins who is a plus defensive CF. If Cowser is ready in June (or so), maybe Hays is a deadline trade chip. I could also see them trying to move Mountcastle, and having Santander/Stowers get in work at 1b. All of that said, if Cowser (who is probably the best trade chip) can get you a Lopez from Miami (as part of a package)...I might do that
  13. They'll probably wait till tomorrow to announce it. No reason to make the move today
  14. I think Elias has to decide with Henderson if he wants the draft pick, or the potential extra year. Keep in mind with Adley this year, at least partially due to injury, he didn't make the OD roster so no pick...but there's a decent chance he's top 2 in AL rookie of the year voting, so the O's also won't get the extra year or service time. I think outside of a Henderson or Adley level prospect though, people around here spend to much time assuming "service time" is the main reason behind promotion/lack of promotion decisions.
  15. Then why ever bring anyone up, why is Vavra up? The orioles weren’t planning on winning this year, why is Adley up? You can twist yourself into circles with “service time games”. They do happen, and it does matter. But how often, & how much it matters is way overstated. You potentially do it with someone like Gunnar, I think this board rates Stowers higher then most other places.
  16. It’ll still be an arbitration year, so it’s not cheap, and Stowers won’t be particularly young either. By 30’s a lot of guys are slowing down. Stowers strikes me as more of a potential good starter, then potential all star. Not saying it will have no value, but probably not enough to make that a reason to keep him down if they really wanted him in Baltimore.
  17. I don't think the extra year on Stowers is all that valuable either...which is why I don't think that's the primary reason he isn't currently on the MLB team (now the extra year on Henderson could be extremely valuable, but draft picks are also valuable)
  18. Is that a normal thing? Potentially very interesting
  19. I actually agree with all of this (well maybe not the travel, not sure how much acclimating is needed going from busses to private jets), but if you're not playing you're not getting acclimated to the ballparks or the pitching. I'm with you on bringing up Stowers if he could get in the lineup 3-4x a week because I do think he's basically gotten all he can out of Triple A, but I'm not really interested in calling him up for a Nevin role. I just think he's actually more valuable staying sharp in Triple A at that point in case someone gets injured.
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