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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Hey Brown, there’s probably a reason I’ve never heard a baseball announcer say the words,” He throws like a soft tossing cyborg.” Wtf
  2. Wells made an adjustment after that bad first inning, pretty good recovery.
  3. But I was dragged in another thread for suggesting he should be given some time off.
  4. That’s a good point. But I’m not impatient. I’ve played at a high level, scouted and coached. So, evaluation has been something I’ve been doing for a while. Santander was a guy I thought would be a contributor early on, even as a Rule 5 guy. He was very athletic and I liked his swing. Defensively he was in the running for a GG, but he hasn’t looked the same to me. Injuries are another consideration with Santander. I think they should be looking for an exit strategy from him with the glut of OF talent they have. He’s arbitration eligible next year, so he’ll only become more expensive as he declines.
  5. I don’t understand why Santander is in the lineup let alone hitting 4th.
  6. Agreed, I’m just not sure they’re going to be selling off big pieces for a guy with as little a track record as Cease. Don’t get me wrong I like him a lot, but other than last year he’s been just above average (111 and 112 ERA+ in ‘21 and ‘22).
  7. Giolito could be a good bounce back candidate. Then again, he could be done.
  8. Eh, the part yesterday where you were impassioned that Mateo is a nugget and shouldn’t be traded. Then, today you were quite adamant that Cease was a target worthy of trading away Mateo. Those things are very different.
  9. That’s quite a departure from what you said yesterday.
  10. Why not? If he keeps it up he increases his value and what they can acquire because of that.
  11. To begin with, you answered your own question. The goal IS to win now. Buying, or trading for talent is exactly why they would consider trading Mateo. In the second quoted paragraph you again make a point in my argument which is the need for starting pitching. If you believe the org’s top priority should be acquiring that then how do you propose they go about it if not trading away a surplus of talent? You say Mateo is a “nugget”, well then he’s also a chip. They’re loaded positionally, you said so yourself. If Mateo has figured it out with the bat then he’s valuable. Valuable enough as the lead piece in a trade to get the team the starting pitching they need.
  12. The question was rhetorical because of the other Mateo thread. However, to play Devil’s Advocate I’ll just say they could probably get a pretty good haul for an athletic SS who has started to figure it out offensively. Give him another two months of sustained production and there’s gonna be offers.
  13. It’s a good point. It can happen. Will it? He’s got a ton of talent and he’s moving in the right direction.
  14. So, assume an .800 OPS. Now what?
  15. Yeah, the thought on trading him is really only if someone was willing to overpay, but that isn’t happening until he has a track record of success. I touted him all of last year and really feel like he deserved consideration for a GG. I’m fine with enjoying the fruits of his labors in the meantime. He makes games exciting to watch.
  16. Don’t laugh. I’ll take a haul for him.
  17. He played CF at Stanford and wasn’t seen as a liability, not even close.
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