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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. There were plenty of people who were critical of him at the start of the season, but his minor league coaches and most scouts will tell you he plays the game the right way and has a lot of tools.
  2. Ftfy….I hardly think what Nevin does at 3B can be called playing the position, but opinions vary.
  3. Kremer is on thin ice. He hasn’t pitched bad, but he’s a hit or two away from being horrible. That’s a good start.
  4. Well, I don’t know about the umpire’s “agency”, but it was too close to take. Definitely, don’t be showing up the umpire by trying to coax him into giving you a walk.
  5. Haha! Yes, but your question was,”Was Scott ever a starter.”
  6. Similarly, many on OH said it was a waste of time and that Scott was never going to be a ML pitcher. They were wrong.
  7. The question about autographs was rhetorical, but thx for clearing that up. You can read a stat line? Awesome. Didn’t you play ball? I don’t remember what level, but most guys understand there’s s as learning curve for these guys. If Elias wants him to get his feet wet vs ML hitters then many, like me, are relieved to see him make moves that promote the very players who can be part of the next winning team. You don’t do that by having hard and fast rules about innings pitched or giving up less hits or walks. Yes, in a perfect world that works be great, but the process is usually more nuanced than that. Manny didn’t “dominate” the minors. There was a need at the ML level and they knew he was capable. Hall is also capable and his stuff is ML ready. He needs to refine it and they’re going to do that to the best of their ability.
  8. He recorded 11 outs as a ML starter and more than half were by SO.
  9. Then, he likely pitches to him and that’s good for Vavra.
  10. It is? I thought they played better. Imagine that.
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