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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. That’s not what he stated. He said Hall has a higher “ceiling”. Not the same as saying Hall will have the better ML career.
  2. Do you understand the current rotation for the Orioles doesn’t average 6 innings???
  3. His success isn’t predicated on his control, it’s on him getting outs. Will better command assist in that goal? Absolutely, but his performance wasn’t as awful as you make out and he’ll get better. Again, staying healthy for this season was the priority. So far, so good. Everything else is gravy.
  4. As previously stated by @Frobby, if he improves won’t he be ready? Did Hall refuse you an autograph or something? The biggest hurdle for him this year was staying healthy. His stuff is electric. Refining that to make him a ML pitcher is what lies ahead.
  5. They overpaid. The deal is only palatable because he’s been slightly below average. I’ll take the upside of Hall over Jordan Lyles every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
  6. Sure, but lack of evidence for an injury is not a reason to pass on him. I’d look more favorably on what he’s accomplished this year and how he hasn’t been injured. The same for Clevinger. TJ isn’t a barrier to signing him. I’d be more concerned with his performance coming off the surgery.
  7. Lopez yes, I’m not sold on Clevinger, but seeing him finish the season strong would convince me. Lyles, no. I wouldn’t count on much from Means. First year recovering from TJ isn’t typically a boon for pitchers unless your name is Verlander. Speaking of which….yes, I’d pay him. Wells #3, Kremer/Bradish/Voth for the 4 and 5 spots. GRod will be up and he’ll be slotted number 1 whenever that is. I probably like Hall more than most, but it remains to be seen where he fits best. If Means comes back, they can slot him behind Rodriguez. Of course, if they get guys like Lopez or Clevinger there’s less need to fill out the back of the rotation with middling Orioles’ prospects. We’ll see.
  8. So, the guy who’s pitched effectively WITHOUT any setbacks isn’t encouraging? Got it.
  9. Not likely, but if he gets hot he looks like a good hitter at times. Maybe they stick him with some swing guru and make him a project. He’s cheap and controllable, so maybe the Orioles can do that and keep him. Eh, that’s plenty! I think 40 ABs should be the new number the analytics guys use to determine success as a ML hitter. Certainly that’s plenty enough to determine if a player is indeed one of the two best bats on any team, right?
  10. Alright, so now they just have to make sure to finish in front of the Rays.
  11. No, it does not. I don’t like his approach and never have. I thought last year he was maybe making strides to be more disciplined, but it was a blip. His defense, to me, is just ok. Although, he does make some nice scoops, but I’ve also seen him look lost going after pop ups and his footwork on ground balls has never been good. I like his speed, but on this team there’s more than enough of that. He needs to hit. If not, start thinking of teams to which they can move him.
  12. Elias is not Angelos, not even close.
  13. Yeah, apparently he thought that meant he had to swing at every first pitch.
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