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Everything posted by FlipTheBird

  1. There’s not been a lot of analysis short of being pumped they got Martin at 5. We won’t know who “won” for 4-5 years.
  2. I do recall several of the key names the Astros traded for those three arms... and it’s a valid point. At least 1-2 guys from the Greinke trade will have to develop into damn fine players, otherwise it’ll have been three consecutive cases of highway robbery. Though admittedly Houston acquired Verlander when he was 34 and appeared to be losing a step. His renaissance since then has been nothing short of phenomenonal.
  3. Unprecedented territory. The owners would have to work something out. Since the institution of the draft, there's never been a year where we just haven't had any baseball.
  4. Please do share what you’d have done differently? Since you apparently hate every player-related move Elias has made.
  5. The number of people here that view Austin Martin as a can’t miss future stud is truly astounding.
  6. This is just incorrect, and honestly very archaic, spiteful thinking. The Giants were up 5-0 heading into the bottom of the 7th when the bullpen imploded. Barry Bonds doesn't pitch. He also wasn't the catcher. Or the manager. He was just standing in the OF watching it all play out. You're going to tell me that the meltdown was his fault? That's asinine. Oh, and he slashed .356 / .581 / .978 that October, and an absolutely insane .471 / .700 / 1.294 in the World Series, quite literally carrying the Giants. I didn't particularly care for the guy, either, but your assertions are based entirely on YOUR own hate of Bonds and Harper. It's not an opinion, it's a vendetta. And everything else aside, do you know how many truly awful people, including plenty of me-first types, have World Series rings? Hundreds. So don't try to argue that only "good guys" win.
  7. I’m not sure what to make of you guaranteeing that Harper wouldn’t win a WS because of his attitude. Not sure that has anything to do with WS.
  8. God forbid you show any positivity towards this draft after all the whining.
  9. If it makes you feel any better, the Rangers wound up being the first team to draft a guy that MLB Network didn't seem to have any video on. That's an accomplishment.
  10. I can look at it and say they haven't picked who the mock drafters have said was the best pick. That's certainly true. But 98% of those guys know about as much about these players as your or I do. Which isn't a lot. That's about all. And since I'm not in the Orioles Draft HQ, I can't say one way or the other that the O's picked the guy at the top of their own board. These are impossible things to know. So I don't bother getting all worked up about them. And since this isn't the NBA or NFL, none of these guys are walking on the field right away - so we aren't going to get answers any time in the near future. So I just don't see the reason to flip out over the whole thing and make baseless accusations towards the FO and organization.
  11. I would imagine Elias and his team have already identified what guys from the old management team in the system they're ready to move on from, permanently.
  12. Who's cheering? I'm taking the picks in stride and hoping for the best. We'll know in a few years how they did. Literally nothing else you can do. The woe is us stuff is laughable.
  13. I am aware of what most people are assuming. I'm not jumping to any conclusions until the draft is over and all the ink is on paper - and even then, I'm not jumping. It's an amateur draft. It takes years to really suss this out. The overreaction theater here is embarrassing. Especially since with a few rare exceptions, we're a group of people who have zero experience evaluating these players. And the overwhelming majority of writers doing mock drafts have never seen them in person - they're just basing their mocks on hearsay and what other people are writing.
  14. We've no shortage of guys that play his position(s) coming along, and I can't imagine we'll want to extend him into his mid-30s.
  15. He was considered a reach out of the gate, and thus far he's hit .236 in the low minors. If he wants to put himself on the radar of the doubters, he needs to take a huge step in the next year or so.
  16. You read this thread and it looks like Austin Martin is a sure fire, first ballot Hall of Famer.
  17. Good lord, the overreaction theater here. You’d think we passed on a Harper or Strasburg level slam dunk. Spoilers: we didn’t. Everyone take a breath.
  18. Given the way baseball's system operates, it'd almost assuredly benefit the team to be near the bottom of the standings and sporting a small payroll for another season. Get the draft picks, save money to invest in players (and keep players) when it actually matters. The Orioles aren't going anywhere in 2020. So I'm not at all concerned about going from 50 to 70 wins.
  19. Why? They're not going to be a winning team next year, either. I really don't care who's doing the pitching. The end result will be the same: the Orioles won't be in the playoffs. Winning 70 games means nothing to me.
  20. MLB has also been averse to having team move into new cities until the Oakland and Tampa situations are resolved... don't want to move an existing team to a top contender for an expansion club. It's why there hasn't been talk of moving the A's to Portland, which is lobbying for a team, hard. MLB wants an expansion team to potentially go there.
  21. This sentiment is shared by numerous members of this thread, and it perplexes me. The uniforms and colors are just laundry. If the existing franchise relocates, the history relocates. All the things I grew up watching relocate. To me, it'd be the end of having a favorite professional baseball team. Even if another one moved to Baltimore.
  22. I’m not ruling them out for the No. 1 pick... awful stretch ahead. We’ll see.
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