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Everything posted by Explosivo

  1. This is not a troll job at all. Why in the world would you think that? This has everything to do with kjerstad’s health and what made it the current state of affairs.
  2. So are we sure he wasn’t given the vaccine early? Makes sense that he would.
  3. I don’t think so. I think it was after the Covid vaccine. We are seeing more and more of these inflamed heart problematics from the vaccine. Not a bad thread at all. What does MLB do?
  4. I mean, it’s getting clearer that that’s precisely what happened. When will the lawsuits be coming forth?
  5. Smart move to wait for a big time deal for Mancini. I am fine either way with him staying or going. I’d like for him to stay and be rewarded with the years of success we will have but I also believe you trade for players at their highest value. I feel that may be now, though I would be very sad to see him go. We better be blown away by the deal if it happens.
  6. Except it’s his job to know how to utilize talent. He doesn’t know how to do that. It’s simple user error. The game last night was textbook in what not to do. Here are three examples: 1. runners on 1st and second, nobody out, instead of bunting the runners over to force a sac fly situation with your 3 and 4 hitters coming up, you swing away, double play happens and well there ya go 2. batting McKenna 5th. Are you serious? If it weren’t for his speed to avoid the double play he doesn’t get a run in. 3. Leaving Big Tom in put runners on 1st and second. Or bringing in Sulser after the bases were loaded and not with runners on 1st and second. Or bringing in tanner scott who is wild in a high leverage situation and not Wells. I mean, the guy didn’t want us to win. We won in spite of all the decisions he made. Again, it’s all good because this is a lost season anyway, but please stop with this “it’s not Hyde’s fault” commentary. It absolutely is and this team will already be a lot better next year with Hyde going back to being a bench coach for God only knows.
  7. I agree. Switch him and Lopez. I think Lopez could benefit being a reliever and let’s see what Wells can do.
  8. What a game! What a win! Can’t believe it happened! If you look closely at the highlights, I’m the fella with a black shirt and white Orioles cap on. Pretty amazing seats and a pretty amazing experience to see it with my dad. Much love O’s fans. The best is yet to come for us as well!
  9. Thanks brotha. We will be seated in section 111 behind the O’s dugout 6 rows back. Look for my dad wearing his Mancini jersey. I got it for him as they both fought and beat the crap out of colon cancer.
  10. Come on Arizona, pick it up!! We need that number one pick!
  11. Crazier things have happened! Mullins and Mancini are rested. Mountcastle is on a tear. Killer B’s? I give you…the killer M’s!
  12. I’ll be at the game with my paw. Lord grant us strength! Big Tom vs Greinke, can we pull off the miracle of miracles? It’d be neat to see!
  13. Down my 4 early, we have them right where we want em!
  14. Oh hey let’s go crazy and get a streak going. Papa’s feelin’ it tonight!
  15. Explosivo

    We won!

    Was beginning to wonder what that felt like!
  16. One thing that seems to already be improving the team as a whole are the international prospects. We are getting great news about all of them and their projections are looking to be hitting the mark. Hell we even are getting great news about Mayo. I’m hearing he’ll be a future middle of the order bat and there is talk of him having the most power of any bat from the 2020 draft class. My point is our scouts are picking the right guys and all these fellas are going to blossom at the same time. You can call up a guy like Mayo to be your DH, you can call up a guy like Henderson and Westburg early when you have a near complete team already. The outfield will be set. The pitching and catching talent is there and near ready. We will keep injecting these young guys in the mix and will win it all with these young cats.
  17. I highly recommend the podcast On the Verge. They cover the potential prospects better than any beat writer paid to cover the Orioles that I can find. I trust their analysis more as well. They have a great deep dive of our top 30 and fringe top 30 prospects as the DSL and GCL are starting up.
  18. I put this on his kin Ben Macdonald. To me, this was a situation where Ben may have talked his cousin on to the team and by doing so talked Pop off the team. Never listen to Ben. He’s a meathead.
  19. It’s like everything you say SG is contrary to what the Orioles should do or how to win. Look up the Pirates from the early 70s. We are about to see the Orioles follow the same blueprint. It’ll be fun, I just wish you could wrap your head around how baseball teams are built and what it takes to create a window of opportunity. It actually is amazing how wrong you are, continually.
  20. Glad to see Jannis up. Sclerorererrrer vs Pop…we chose poorly.
  21. Sulser was available. Both wells and sulser may be terrible, but one was well rested. No way to tell if Sulser would have had more success there but all things being equal talent wise, you might get more out of an arm that hasn’t thrown the day before. That being said, Hyde has a track record of pushing the wrong buttons consistently.
  22. But impatient Orioles fans want to see Adley now and shorten our window of opportunity. Impatient Orioles fans are like kids touring Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. They want their candy NOW!
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