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Everything posted by Explosivo

  1. Why is it that national writers can’t seem to grasp such simple concepts? This is worse than Buster Olney’s tertiary view of our rebuild. This lady actually covered the team well and she still doesn’t get it. I think this is just political posturing for national writers to protect one of their own. I really can’t believe she’s siding with Olney. What a traitor.
  2. Yes sir! I love the enthusiasm!
  3. Wah. Who cares if you’re not ok how he handled it. In fact, it’s much better that you’re not in charge. You are worse than Olney. At least he gets paid for his poor opinions.
  4. Yep, they are impatient morons. Simple as that. It takes time to build a window of opportunity. But these fools want tiny victories now. Lul
  5. Yes there are some players that stick out but is that a complete team? Of course not. How many players are in the minor and major league systems? Of course you can pick out less than 10 guys at all levels that are quality. You could do the same for the diamondbacks and rangers too and they are worse than us. That’s a ridiculous take dude. Point is, we had a window of opportunity and won the AL east with it in 2014. Those windows can be extended if teams have the money to keep them going. For all others, they must rebuild and do it again. That takes time, luck, and damn good scouts and coaches who are all on the same page. Elias has proven he can get that done and we are on the same trajectory as the Astros to see that same window of success in two years time. The goal of this season is to develop talent at all levels. We are doing that.
  6. Because baseball rewards the teams at the bottom. You can’t be middle of the road and rebuild when you are near last in talent at all levels both major and minor leagues.
  7. Exactly, the cupboard was bare. Takes time, but history is on our side. Baseball rewards those who suck. It’s up to our scouts to get us to unsuck. We are on the track of unsuckage. We have more talent waiting in the wings than most O’s fans realize. Two years time, we will be fun to watch again and in the thick of it to compete. Guys like Buster and Ken will likely be gone from the world of baseball by then as well.
  8. Little man is angry. Uh oh guys. He HATES what we are doing while being silent when the Astros and Rays did it. Oh no guys. He has that self righteous ESPN tag in his username. He must know more than anyone else so we must all listen to him guys. Oh, wait, he isn’t a baseball exec. He doesn’t own a team. He never played. He isn’t part of the baseball world at all. He only comments on it like literally everyone who is a fan of baseball. So…why do we listen to what little man thinks?
  9. It doesn’t fail to be true. They have been anointed as baseball’s experts yet I fail to see why. What’s their track record or better is it because they say the right thing, support the right teams and promote the right narratives. Being a national writer in the world of baseball makes about as much sense as being a fan of football without being a fan of a specific team. It’s antithetical and when you look at their meager stature, it’s fair to assume why. They would be the type of people who would do and say whatever to be relevant. History will not be kind on folks like that.
  10. Makes sense that you’d be supportive of a fella who never played the game, is part of the old paradigm of baseball “experts” and is negative toward the Orioles. Baseball writers would be spinning in their graves at this type of provocation from Buster and his pal Ken. They look the part too. A couple of dweebs who probably were picked last in their grade school’s kickball games. They are a couple of jokes and their insights are irrelevant to the game of baseball. If you want to know what Elias is building simply listen to three real experts in the guys at On the Verge. Orioles fans are blessed to have those guys pumping out great content on the future of the Orioles franchise.
  11. How can you even say that when some teams can throw more money than God at players and others can’t? Look at the Padres vs the dodgers. The Padres are doing all they can to strengthen their team and the dodgers just continue to money whip players. I’ll say this, you are consistent for having the worst takes on baseball, the Orioles and thankfully that’s all we must endure as that’s the sole focus of this board.
  12. Well come on, look at it. We get great news about a great kid and future of our team and all they can do is quibble about things out of their control. It’s odd. We should all be happy for the kid and the future of the Orioles as this guy will have a greater impact than we can possible imagine. He’s our Johnny Bench and not only will he transform the position for this soon to be great team, but also he’ll have a deep impact on the pitching staff as well. Grayson is hopefully soon to follow in his footsteps to AAA and Westburg and Henderson are hopefully on their way to AA soon as well. It seems that the most vocal on here can be the most short sighted and it’s a bit annoying even if we are all fans of this soon to be great team. My only hope is those who choose to moan over good news will know what to do with themselves when we win it all soon.
  13. You guys prove once again that you would be upset about winning the lottery. What a sorry lot. That being said, very happy for Adley and I imagine Grayson will be the next up soon.
  14. I think everyone knew this was coming at some point soon.
  15. Ok sounds good. I just like being positive and like what the Orioles see in him at the position. I think he’s a good kid, a hard worker and I think he will improve over time at 2B. I think he can be an asset. We also have Norby now as well and Martin and Urias so it’s not like Elias is putting all his eggs into one basket at all. Competition will yield the best outcome. I like the sound of a Henderson, Westburg, Norby/Urias/Jones/Martin and Mountcastle infield to go along with our outfielders and of course Adley behind the plate. We are close boys.
  16. Gee, it’s not like people can improve on prior numbers or something. Give it time. That’s a luxury we can give him.
  17. Because these fellas think they figured it out and they don’t like seeing what is happening ruffle what they thought should happen. Jones is a great athlete, great kid and his bat and speed gives 2b a differentiated product from other teams if it works out. Again, we have plenty of time to give him to figure it out and when we are good in two years that time spent will hopefully be worth the short term pain. On the plus side as well, it will make these sullen Oriole faithful squirm and you love to see that any day of the week.
  18. Probably not the best example but Rio’s defense from 2019 to 2020 at third was a remarkable uptick. Regardless, I’m sure there are other more palatable examples for you sullen Oriole faithful.
  19. That’s not true at all man. But his place on this team and in baseball is at second. Sometimes players have delusions of grandeur like Bannon and fancy themselves in a position that will never happen. I’m glad Jones is willing to become a second baseman. We saw recently with Ruiz that defense can improve. He is extremely athletic for a second baseman as well. He will have two years to improve, pitfalls and all. That being said, don’t for a second think that fans of winning baseball are cavalier about defense. Three keys to winning baseball: pitching (which is coming), defense up the middle (which is developing) and timely hitting.
  20. Because necessity is the mother of invention. Because people can learn and improve. He has played this position before. This is not completely new.
  21. Time will tell. I think we see Jones and an arm like Baumann.
  22. Never said that. I do believe that one bad month doesn’t define a player. Kid has done well in AAA. What I did say is you guys love to mire in pessimism. We will see him in September regardless. I am a believer in Henderson, hall, rutschman, smith, Baumann and Rodriguez. When you look at the talent we already have on the club (and we do have talent) we are not as far away as you guys believe. Just look at the draft. We went with college bats. Why do you think that is? Add in the injection of international talent we are now getting and the trades Elias has already brokered there will be many more names that emerge and come and help the club win.
  23. That’s pretty funny. Bad month aside, he went Aberdeen to AAA and over the year has hit .256/.438/.800 he has power with 6 homers, 3 triples, and 8 doubles. 28 walks as well. Been a bad month but don’t discount what he did beforehand. I tell ya though, I wonder if some of you guys really want us to be good or are more comfortable looking through a lens of doubt and disappointment. This team shouldn’t also be a reflection of your lives.
  24. I know the bat never surfaced for the guy but we have a recent example in Ruiz. Came in with an inconsistent glove in 2019 and by 2020/2021 was a different player at the position. The bat never did catch up however. Gives me hope those same coaches will get Jones to where he needs to be defensively. Keep in mind too with Jones that he’s traditionally been a center fielder. It’s going to take a little more time for him to adapt at second.
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