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Everything posted by Explosivo

  1. Please no more. Please.
  2. So her video feed cut out? Man. MASN is really cutting corners then and trying to save as many bucks as possible. It was truly a terrible call. We laughed when we heard it. Hearing it live I was left with the impression that severino was hurt.
  3. That’s hardcore. I am such a fan of Elias. Dude is a soul reaver. Plus he’s got this cool Steve Martin thing going with his grey hair. Dude looks like he’s in his 30s with a mop made for a 60 year old.
  4. Or just do what I’m going to do and announce the games myself. It’ll be more fun for me at least than listening to some old geezers with young sounding voices poo on the team I love with a passion. Lord knows I could interview the hell outta somebody and probably make the team that much more fun to watch than it already is. Gee golly, do I love the Orioles. Further, on my broadcast, I can curse so that is soooooome dooders.
  5. I think it’s because watching sports is supposed to be fun and not a chore. Usually you want to hire people that make the game and your team entertaining to watch, not poop all over them. Look at me not cursing.
  6. In my defense, he has a younger sounding voice. Garceau sounds like a dying giraffe. Believe it or not I'm half as old as Dave, but just look at that picture. The man even looks like he's pissed off. He has resting misery face. How can someone not be joyous commenting on something that he supposedly loves? It's remarkable. I say if MASN really wanted to save on payroll, just let the fans broadcast the games. At least they'd be more entertaining. In fact, I'll be broadcasting a few games on Twitch provided I'm not bartending that night. I'll post the link to twitch when I get the opportunity.
  7. Didn’t realize using stern language would offend the masses in such a way. Kind of weird but I did go off so I get it I guess.
  8. Wait, the guy is 61 and miserable? Afterwards even Garceau said, “geez you hate everything” to which Dave said “I liked my lunch. Good lunch.” Oof... just really rubbed me the wrong way. Can ya tell? Hah As to the edit the original post crowd, I can't. There's not an edit function under the original post. Oh well, maybe Dave will read it.
  9. My bad guys. I just don’t get running down anything and everything when you are paid to represent the club. Very strange move. And to the point of irony, just responding in kind to what I perceive as a pretty low and classless interview. You could even tell that Zimmerman was a bit pissed at his questions and antics. All good, problem solved. I’ll listen to Geoff. Thank you mlb.tv for giving me options to avoid the alternative.
  10. My bad, my bad. I should have said what I said in a nicer manner. Point still stands. He’s miserable to listen to. Can’t stand that.
  11. Moderated due to content... We'll give you a break since you are new.. But constructive criticism is allowed, but name calling and cursing is not.
  12. Considering we are using credit cards that have been around for decades, I disagree. Time will tell.
  13. Agreed. The water is fine. It truly is revolutionary and the ramifications will echo for decades to come. If everything worked in this manner, we could even bypass the banking system. No more overdraft fees, cheaper money transfer fees, smart contracts built in, leases, loans, housing and vehicle purchases, food purchases, ticket purchases, all in one app baby. HUMBL.
  14. They’re getting your money anyway. You preload cash on the thing anyway so it actually makes it easier to spend less. Can’t spend what isn’t preloaded if that’s the route you need to go. Not saying this will happen, but theoretically they could charge less as they will save more. We all know that won’t happen, but cash is and will be a thing of the past. Imagine the amount of money it costs to get brinks to the stadium for change. The lack of need of hours counting down the cash, dropping the cash, managers trained to handle to end of the day. So much money will be saved by this decision. Embrace it, understand it. Get behind it because you don’t want to be in front of this steamroller.
  15. The idea is to use your phone as the ticket and vehicle for payments as well. This is a bigger move toward the future than simple ticketing. Look at what Cuban is talking about with the Mavs. It’s all based on blockchain tech and instant transfer of monies. It’s about saving teams tons of money by circumventing credit card transactions. http://Www.humblpay.com
  16. Think of the trash. It’s all not needed. Embrace the future.
  17. You scan the cellphone. No one touches your phone. It’s called contact-less for a reason. It also saves them bundles of money not printing out tickets which, let’s face it, unless you’re old, you will not miss. Are you collecting game tickets or something? just wait till we no longer use cash, I bet you’ll flip out. With apps like HUMBL coming, there will be no need to have anything but your phone to use as not only your ticket but also payment for everything in the park. Embrace the future you dinosaurs.
  18. My father suffers from colorectal cancer as well. Beat it too! Today I bought him a Mancini jersey. It’s cool that he has someone to look up to on the diamond like Mr. Mancini.
  19. Naw, roll with King Felix and Harvey. We legit want to be the worst team in baseball anyway and those two will sell some tickets for the shear wtf of it all. It’s all good. #1 pick is a good thing and we aren’t going to be competitive for another two years anyway. Load up on the best talent now baby!
  20. Akin had the best stuff of any oriole pitcher last year. I expect him to get better as time progresses. These guys are special, young and more are on the way. The numbers don’t lie and I have full faith in Chris Holt when it comes to Hall. Look at the transformation of Scott. Expect great things for the future. Super bullish for multiple playoff runs. Be positive and trust the numbers.
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