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Posts posted by TommyPickles

  1. I'm surprised to say... I kind of like this .

    Now, I'd want to keep the DH. But I like that you get to play every team at least once a year (I'm a die hard Os fan living in Philly, it seems crazy how infrequently they play here, especially given that whole swaths of southern PA are Os country). I like the one-game wildcard format being expanded to four games, and I like that it addresses some of the player's grievances.  I also have no problem with adding two more teams to the league and the playoffs.


    I do wish the two teams being added weren't Portland and Montreal, though. I would love one of the new cities to be south of the border. Mexico City (yea yea elevation...), San Juan, Havana, or Santa Domingo?? Make the World Series more of a "world" series.  I would start looking for flights immediately if any of those cities were getting a team.

  2. I'd keep Rickard up over Gentry. 

    I'll miss having them both up though. Defensively speaking, Gentry/Jones/Rickard is a pretty respectable outfield, and one that doesn't let much drop in.

  3. I feel like Davis' contract is going to be such a headache in the future.

    It would really help soften the blow if he could hit 30 homers this year (he has 16 in 66 games so far) and get that OPS back around .850 (.786 now).  You know, since that's what were paying him for...

    Great game last night though! Sweep Texas 

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