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Everything posted by Sessh

  1. That's right. Bordick played on the slide with the kids (and totally butted in line several times) while Gary went down and got drunk with the parents. I love it.
  2. I always found Roy to be highly entertaining. No one loves sac flys more than Roy.
  3. I'm a little disappointed he's not around. I'm surprised he is one of those fairweather fans. All of us here now for the bad stuff can at least say we didn't go on vacation.
  4. I'm rooting for the guy. He's been waiting a long time for this and has had long stretches of dominating performances in AAA along the way. Sadly, I just know he'll be crucified if he doesn't do well in his first start. This is a guy that should get an extended look and could be a decent rotation arm. I sure hope so.
  5. Sessh


    Nah, I'd rather have 1:1. A few extra wins means nothing and in fact hurts us in the draft. That's just the reality of this rebuild of ours. The more top picks we get, the faster we're back in the World Series where we belong.
  6. Guys who have a decent chance IMO are Means, Mancini, Santander, Severino, Sisco, Kline and Scott. I do think Harvey has a great chance of being our closer of the future if he can stay healthy in his new role. Not all that high on Hays personally, but that could change as will this list over time I'm sure. Some of these guys we're seeing now will certainly be there and I do think one of the catchers will be and Rutschman will not be catching full time and could end up at 1B instead. I think Elias recognizes that if his bat is as advertised, it is more important to protect that asset and that includes not putting him at a position with a higher injury risk and cutting his high production years short. Most of these guys probably won't be here, but some will be. CF, LF and all four IF positions will be different. I think Santander will nail down RF if he's here. If Mancini is here, he's DH and occasional 1B/RF. Starting rotation will be different obviously. Bundy may still be here. Some of our pitching in the minors will be, but I don't think we have any slam dunks down there for the rotation. Maybe Eshelman will earn a back-end spot, who knows? He's the most intriguing ATM since he's the most ready for an extended look and I guess we'll have that answer by the end of the season. Seems he may make his debut in the TB series. I'm sure there will be some surprises. Should be fun.
  7. Of course, his father's career was prematurely ended due to elbow injuries as well, so maybe there's no avoiding that fate in the end for Hunter. Hopefully not.
  8. ... and this is the smartest organizational move for Harvey all things considered. I like Elias more and more. I hope he will be our closer of the future and hopefully, it will help him to stay healthy. We'll see, but absolutely love this and, IMO, it's the right decision to make.
  9. Lot of high rolling gamblers here apparently. ? Every pitcher is one arm injury away from reduced or complete ineffectiveness and the end of their career. Harvey has already dodged several bullets and is still able to throw hard though it's debatable how much control will return. He is now showing an ability to be unhittable in a relief role and we're gonna talk about putting him back under higher workload? I think at this point, you take what you can get. No reason to push this as he's barely been able to pitch at all since he got here due to injury. It may end his career. Leave him where he is and let's proceed in grooming him for a relief role. Push the envelope at your own (and Harvey's) risk.
  10. Doesn't look all that quick out there to me lumbering over to that ball and wasn't that strong a throw. As you said, more runners error than anything else. He's still probably better than Smith out there, though. I still have big questions about Mountcastle myself. Seems like a good chance of being yet another DH type player and that's only if he can hit ML pitching. We seem to be desperately trying to find a position for him. I guess at worst, he would be able to fill in at several positions in the case of an injury even if it's just average D at best which is a valuable thing to have.
  11. I went back to look in that thread and no one said that about Scott. We say that kind of stuff about players sometimes and I thought he was one. I did, however, find this comment: Well, so much for that.. unless Elias wants to start writing romance novels. Hey, never know.
  12. Bleier has been dealing with injuries this season, so he gets the benefit of the doubt from me for now. Looks like he's starting to get it together with a 2.35 (0.91) over his last seven appearances totaling 7.2 IP. Let's see if he can keep it up. As for Scott, I think someone actually said in that game thread that we should pick him up and he'd fit right in here. Wish granted!
  13. Nah, 10-year deals are never bargains for the teams that give them out. If you don't give him 10 years, you probably won't get 1 year which is the only reason anyone gives out 10 year deals anyway. Guaranteeing 10 years just to get the first five or so and hope the last five aren't that bad and there are no chronic or serious injuries. He sure has been impressively red hot lately, though. I'll give him that.
  14. The thing that makes me think Severino is the real deal is the incremental improvements over the last few seasons particularly in his walk rate which would suggest he has been working hard on his approach and his discipline. I love what he's doing with the bat and I love his approach. I definitely think it to be possible that what he's doing now is sustainable. He sure does get hit in the head a lot with foul balls, though.
  15. It's been awhile since I looked into it closely, but a couple years ago, the ground was swelling so badly that entire lakes were being displaced into surrounding areas. The area gets a little more active each year. An eruption is absolutely inevitable and when it happens, there's nowhere to hide. It would destroy everything within like a thousand mile radius in a couple weeks and the enormous amount of shit it would eject into the atmosphere would be carried by the jet stream all over the planet and block out the sun which will kill all plants. Animals, including us, wouldn't be far behind.
  16. It would be an extinction level event if that thing blows. One of the biggest magma chambers on the earth that could eject enough ash to cover the entire US in three inches of it. It's not called a supervolcano for nothing.
  17. ..throwing error for Alberto. Hey, it just had to happen eventually.
  18. Broxton made a decent throw from fairly deep in center to third base on one hop. I'm not sure how his throw home yesterday was so bad.
  19. We have several guys that would apply to.
  20. Another outstanding defensive play this time from Martin.
  21. Alberto with a sliding catch in foul territory. Nice defensive inning for the Orioles. We'll be waiting another two weeks for the next such inning, so let it soak in.
  22. ...and another outstanding play by Broxton in the left-center field gap. I don't know how he got to that one.
  23. Nice play by Broxton at the wall there. No acrobatics this time, though.
  24. What they didn't show was Villar still nearly got picked off rounding first.
  25. Villar with a 3-R HR after a Nunez double.
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