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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. Injured List, then more roster shuffling.
  2. I know he isn't ready yet, hence why I said "if he is healthy." Yesterday was Sucre's deadline. This seemed like a "claim him just because" move, which seems stupid to do. Severino does not make any part of this roster better.
  3. I hate this move on so many levels. First, the catching situation: - They claim someone with no options who is good at defense, but doesn't hit. Why? - if Sisco goes to Norfolk, you now have 2 catchers with good defense and no offense. - If you carry all 3, you screw your bench over. - If Wynns is healthy, play him and Sisco. You need to see what you have. - You make this move after telling Sucre not to opt out yesterday. Good job.... - Severino comes in with only a few days to go and to learn the pitchers. The same situation they threw Sucre into and gave him time in the Minor League camp, simulated games, bullpen sessions, ect to learn in 2 weeks. Now, for the DFA: - What compromising pictures does Hanser Alberto have to stay on the team? Cut him already. Go with the younger guy you can work on. This move is puzzling and leads to a lot of questions.
  4. I haven't seen him or Wright say anything, it was just speculation that was out there since they took stuff during surgery recovery.
  5. The addition of Luke to the staff has been the best thing, without a doubt. Very knowledgeable, very humble. I like being able to talk Orioles with people who are (mostly) knowledgeable and give updates on players in the minors when I go to the games. I also like that @Tony-OH has given me some chances to do some stuff for the site. Some have worked (reporting on Minor League games and giving information about players I see in person) while others haven't (supposed to do a series of interviews last year and none of them ended up happening because 2018 was against me...) I greatly appreciate the opportunities he has provided and the conversations on the board.
  6. I wonder if that was something he took to try and speed up his recovery, like Steven Wright?
  7. Speculation I've read: His knee surgery wasn't healing as fast as he had hoped, so he tried giving it a bit of a boost to try and get healthy.
  8. Nunez with 2 throwing errors so far...
  9. I'm shocked he didn't become a spokesman for them after his career ended.
  10. Or, you know, he made these things called "adjustments."
  11. I was. I get the Tettleton reference. I made a Wade Boggs reference.
  12. Cheaper than a whole chicken every game.
  13. I figured it out! Sisco got married this past off season... He was just worried if the team was going to get him some candlesticks, or place settings.
  14. I might of missed that. I just remember Buck mentioning catchers "calling the game," same with the pitchers and broadcasters.
  15. Very, very rarely does it. When catchers are looking in the dugout, it is for defense positioning and pickoffs/intentional walks.
  16. He also had a good spring training last season at the plate. Let's see how he does this season, wherever he plays.
  17. I have no clue. I think 1 game has been televised and 1 has been streamed and I missed both. Not sure how many he has caught.
  18. He was bad in 1 season in Norfolk and downright awful in 1 season of Norfolk/Baltimore. His Spring Training right now is giving him a huge advantage in the offensive category for the 25 man roster, but his regular season is key. Same with everyone else.
  19. We will know which one he is if Rougned Odor punches him.
  20. It will be interesting to see. In the minors, he was a "gap hitter" who showed flashes of power on both sides. With his speed, if they clean up his path and get him to hit more consistently, he could rack up a good amount of doubles.
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