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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. He also had a good spring training last season at the plate. Let's see how he does this season, wherever he plays.
  2. I have no clue. I think 1 game has been televised and 1 has been streamed and I missed both. Not sure how many he has caught.
  3. He was bad in 1 season in Norfolk and downright awful in 1 season of Norfolk/Baltimore. His Spring Training right now is giving him a huge advantage in the offensive category for the 25 man roster, but his regular season is key. Same with everyone else.
  4. We will know which one he is if Rougned Odor punches him.
  5. It will be interesting to see. In the minors, he was a "gap hitter" who showed flashes of power on both sides. With his speed, if they clean up his path and get him to hit more consistently, he could rack up a good amount of doubles.
  6. Just throwing this out there from experience: Being stressed because the call you are going to/car you are stopping might be the reason you are dead or on national news being sued for doing your job vs. being boo'ed by people for not doing your job and being told "you're cut" from a team after making millions of dollars don't equal each other. If he is feeling stressed due to not "living up" to his contract, mechanical changes and analytics can only do so much. Has anyone seen any report of him seeing a sports psychologist? Maybe his struggle is mainly mental?
  7. Atleast with Fielder, he had a career ending injury. With Davis...He just sucked the last 2 seasons.
  8. I believe that's what he also got with Philly last season and had an opt out.
  9. Polo Grounds 2.0 As someone that goes to a lot of minor league games, especially Bowie, the pitch clock really doesn't seem bad. It was weird the first few times I saw it, but as a fan, I like it. Do we really need pitchers taking 2 minutes between pitches to walk around the mound, use the rosin bag, scratch twice, lick their fingers, get their hidden pine tar mix from wherever they have it stashed, then nod at the catcher? 3 batter minimum seems ok. It would definitely change the strategy, especially late in the season (August) as far as using someone too much. 26th roster spot is always good. Do not touch the pitchers mound. The whole "MiLB Extra Innings" rule is dumb. Yes, it makes the game end sooner, but it kills the whole thing. Last season, DL Hall and Alex Katz combined for 9, no hit innings in Delmarva. The 3rd pitcher that came in lost it on a bunt to the first batter, which was only done to move the runner over and it ended up as a single. I enjoy the difference in the AL and NL. Interleauge play is one of the worst things to have happened though. Having to adjust in the World Series was a lot better than having to adjust for a 3 game series on Monday in April.
  10. Quick little article about The Mosquito and his versatility and speed. https://therunnersports.com/orioles-kirvin-moesquit-is-off-radar-player-to-watch/
  11. I think he will get over 12 wins. Some might be shootouts, some might be super low scoring. But I think he will get over 12.
  12. Anyone else going to wear a WWE "Walk With Elias" shirt to Camden Yards this season?
  13. Orioles GCL outfielder Trey Whitley has been suspended 50 games without pay for his second positive test for a drug of abuse.
  14. Spring Training: Wynns, Sisco, Perez, Cervenka, Brockmeyer, Fajardo, Levy. 6 there that could of been there as depth.
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