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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. The season would end in October and they wouldn’t have any playoffs this season, from what I read.
  2. Maybe he is a big “Mr. Baseball” fan? Does this make Simmons the best FA available now?
  3. Those would certainly make Christmas a bit more fun around here. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone and stay safe. Hopefully Santa brings a winning record.
  4. What player will he be the “and former teammate of” when he gives the “guest speech” for being there?
  5. Boog will sign and take a picture with anyone at his stand on Eutaw Street now. Bit of a difference from your experience. Once after a Bowie game (I believe 2 years ago,) I asked Steel Russell for his autograph on a ball. He was legitimately shocked and said “me? Why me?” I flat out told him I thought he had an awesome name. He laughed and signed the ball and we talked for a bit. Cool dude.
  6. The funniest part is going to be that year or two it takes to realize going from Delmarva to Aberdeen is actually a PROMOTION. I wonder if they will also be more aggressive with in season movements?
  7. I was unable to get ahold of her father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.
  8. Per my source named “Annie,” the sun will indeed come up tomorrow.
  9. Sisco shouldn’t be anywhere near the plate unless it’s in the batters box. Like I said, Cuiffo is a reclamation project. This is the typical “sign a former first rounder who hasn’t done anything and hope they learned to actually produce in the last few seasons of their decline or that we have the magic touch.” They are slobbering all over Adley. Cool, awesome. But they could develop either Jordan Cannon or Maverick Handley too. Both are solid defensive catchers and could be up in 2 seasons too. Could of kept Cervenka, who was making good strides and would be in AAA this season.
  10. No. They signed high quality minor league depth, at best. Reclamation project, who fell completely off in Tampa and hasn’t done anything since. What’s next, is Fernando Abad going to be “the future Zack Britton?”
  11. It was probably like what some states are doing: Show a negative test result from the last 72 hours.
  12. If they make the players get it, do they start allowing crowds then or are they only going to allow fans in who are vaccinated?
  13. After Davis’s comments, a “Chris Davis Money Clip” giveaway could be good...
  14. If he was making the league minimum (and the Orioles weren’t releasing him), I highly doubt he would be sticking around.
  15. They better be able to keep Keyote as their mascot for this new league...
  16. Hagerstown was also dropped. I don't know if the Orioles knew this before hand, but they missed such a golden opportunity here. If they had kept Frederick, they could have easily gotten the fans from a little further west and really dug into the ground there. Frederick was the highest drawing Carolina League team in 2019 and routinely was the highest drawing team for the previous decade (if not longer.) Did the Orioles "maybe" try and get the Keys into the league they will be in now to keep the Nats from getting them? Possible. The Orioles say they will still work with the Keys. But that still seems so short sighted. Does this mean the Orioles will get better scouting reports, better access, first dibs on free agents from that league?
  17. Delmarva stays Low A and Aberdeen becomes High A. This sucks. Would rather have seen Delmarva get the ax.
  18. Great, grand, wonderful. I talked about AA, not AAA.
  19. They have Taylor Davis. Also, Cumberland wasn’t exactly impressive at Bowie. Do what they did in 2016 and have 3 catchers (Rutschman, Cumberland and Davis) and use Davis as a 1st baseman while Rutschman and Cumberland catch/DH.
  20. If you are Elias, would you dangle Severino to the Rockies? They non tendered the “beloved by everyone who watches baseball” Tony Wolters, who was their starter. They have 2 catchers in the 40 and Sevy would be an immediate upgrade to both. His offense would probably get a big boost in Colorado and he shouldn’t have to worry about defense much, since pitches don’t break anyway there. I don’t know anything about the Rockies system, so not sure what a decent pick up would be.
  21. Yep. In 58 games as DH, he has his highest average (.290) and 15 home runs. While in the field, he had many more games (87, 149, 182) with lower average and only slight more home runs (20, 26, and 24).
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